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Ham and Parmesan Cheese Breakfast Bake

This dish is so good it does not have to be just for breakfast. I have had it for lunch and dinner before and I loved it! The nice thing about this is that you can use any meat and cheese that you want. I usually use whatever I have on hand. You can also add vegetables to it if you would like.

This is a very easy dish to make, the most time consuming part is baking it. I start by putting frozen hash browns in a pan, I used an 8 x 10 pan, you can use a smaller one if you want it thicker. You can grease your pan if you want, I do not and it does not stick.

Next I chopped up some leftover ham I had. I have used sausage and hamburger in the past, all are very good! I put the ham and seasonings in the pan with the hash browns.

Next I beat the eggs with milk and a little more pepper, then I pour those over the hash browns and ham. I mix the eggs with the hash browns and ham, then I top them with Parmesan cheese. Make sure you cover the pan with foil for the first 45 minutes of baking.

Ham and Parmesan Cheese Breakfast Bake


  • 5 cups frozen hash browns

  • 1 cup chopped ham

  • 1 tbsp garlic powder

  • 1 tsp seasoning salt

  • 1 tsp black pepper, divided

  • 3 whole eggs

  • 3 egg whites

  • 2 Tbsp milk

  • 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 350

  2. Place hash browns in pan

  3. Chop ham and place in pan with hash browns

  4. Add garlic, seasoning salt and half the pepper

  5. Beat all eggs and milk and the rest of the pepper in a bowl, then pour over hash browns and ham

  6. Stir everything together in pan

  7. Add Parmesan cheese to the top

  8. Cover in foil, bake for 45 minutes, remove foil and bake an additional 10 minutes or until cooked through. Baking time depends on oven, check after 30 minutes so you do not overcook.

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