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Now That You Mention it By Kristan Higgins Book Review

I had read about Kristan Higgins new Book, Now that you Mention It and it sounded like something I would enjoy. I love stories about people and their lives. This one started out with Nora Stuart living the life she had been used to, the one she referred to as grey. She could not seem to pinpoint what was wrong but she new something was definitely wrong. She was at work one day when her life changed, at the time she did not know if it was for better or worse. She was leaving work to go get pizza for people she did not want to get pizza for, but when she stepped off the curb she was hit by a van and put in the hospital, the same hospital where she works with her boyfriend. While she was slowing realizing she was not dead but instead waking up, she heard her boyfriend flirting with another woman. She decided to go back home to her mother while she was healing, which was a whole other set of problems. Her mother was not a warm and loving mother, she could be difficult to get along with. Her dad had disappeared years earlier, which still bothered her and her sister, who was currently in jail. Her mother is taking care of her sister's teenage daughter while she is in jail so Nora thinks this will be the perfect time to visit with her family.

Nora has no way of knowing how one summer can change her whole life, but she is about to find out. Sometimes good things can come from the worst situations and Nora will find this out as she integrates herself back into her hometown. Some of the people from her past will become "new" friends while others will continue to cause problems for her.

There were times I was laughing out loud, this book went from sad to funny to hysterical. There was constantly something going on so I wanted to keep reading it. The ending was great, I am usually somewhat disappointed by endings because they did not end the way I would have picked,but I would have ended this one the exact same way.

Here is a link to Now That You Mention It and other Kristan Higgins books


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