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The Right Time by Danielle Steel

The Right Time by Danielle Steel is a story about a young girl named Alexandra Winlsow. She has many tragedies in her life before she hits the age of twenty, including her mother abandoning her then later dying, then her father also dies which leaves her with no family. Luckily her father's lawyer is willing to help her find somewhere to live since she is too young to live by herself. Through his connections she ends up living in a convent with nuns. This sounds like a weird situation but it ends up being the best thing for her.

Since Alexandra was a little girl her father read to her. She was entertained by crime books so when she has free time she begins to write her own crime books. They are very good, even if they are a little too much for some to handle. She decides to not use her own name as author when she attempts to publish them, her father told her that men would never read a female author's crime books. She turns out to be a successful writer but the stress of hiding her identity is hard to handle. She has to constantly decide if it is worth it.

Link to The Right Time -

Along the way Alexandra must decide who can be trusted with her real identity, this is something she cannot take lightly, if the information falls into the wrong hands her career could be over forever.

While she was very unfortunate to have both of her parents pass away so early in life, she was blessed with the nuns. They become bonus moms, aunts, sisters and friends. She knows she always has someone to turn to while they are still around. She meets many people in her life due to her career but most of them do not know who she really is. The few that do are amazed that a young woman has wrote the books that she has.

Danielle Steel is a great writer, she has the ability to tell a story in way that keeps you completely involved. The story can be a simple story, but she writes in a way that makes you want more. She has a lot of books she has written, I have read most of them and so far have not come across one bad one. She has different subjects she writes on, family life, crime, natural disasters, etc, she is able to make you believe any of those stories really did happen. I look forward to each of her new books coming out.

Link to other Danielle Steel books -


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