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Low Carb Cheese Stuffed Jalapeno Poppers

Low Carb Cheese Stuffed Jalapeno Poppers are a great snack or appetizer for those that want something delicious and low carb! You can pick how spicy you want them by leaving in some seeds and/or veins if you want spicy, if not, take out all the seeds and all the veins.

Mixing the ingredients together is much easier if you can set the cream cheese out a few hours before you plan to mix everything, it stirs together very nicely. If you forget, you can still mix it, it will just take a little more effort.

I do all my prep work before I start mixing, I grate the cheese, cut up the green onions and measure everything. I also clean the jalapenos ahead of time so they can dry while I am doing the cream cheese mixture.

Try to not overfill the jalapenos, the mixture has a tendency to expand while cooking which can make it bubble out of the jalapeno. When wrapping the bacon, try to make sure the whole jalapeno is covered. You can use more than one piece if you need to, have extra bacon on hand just in case.


Low Carb Cheese

Stuffed Jalapeno Poppers


  • 10 jalapenos

  • 4 ounces softened cream cheese

  • 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

  • 1 tsp garlic powder

  • 2 tsp green onions, chopped

  • 5 slices bacon, cut in half


  1. Rinse jalapenos, dry then cut down the middle. Scoop all the insides out, seeds and veins

  2. Mix the rest of the ingredients, except the bacon

  3. Fill each jalapeno with the cream cheese mixture

  4. Wrap half a piece of bacon around each half of jalapeno

  5. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 20 - 25 minutes or until bacon is crisp. You can broil them for a few minutes to get the bacon done a little more

  6. Let sit for a few minutes before serving


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