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Low Carb Layered Chicken Casserole

This is another recipe that proves that low carb eating does not have to be boring. The flavors in this casserole are amazing. Cheesy, saucy and garlicky, my favorites!

This casserole starts in the crockpot, but you can also cook the chicken on the stove or in the oven. When the chicken is done, you just slice it up and put everything in a pan and bake it until the cheese is melted. It is really simple but very delicious.

The only thing you have to be careful about when you make this recipe is the spaghetti sauce, make sure you read labels and pick one that has low carbs and low sugar. I usually use Hunt's spaghetti sauce when I do not make my own, it is a good deal and tastes excellent after being in the crockpot. Some spaghetti sauces are pretty high in carbs and sugar which would ruin the low carb part of this recipe, but it would still be delicious.

Sometimes I cook this casserole in small casserole dishes and sometimes I cook it in a big pan, it just depends on if everyone is having the same ingredients, plus the small casseroles are so cute!


Low Carb Layered

Chicken Casserole


  • 24 ounces spaghetti sauce

  • 2 chicken breasts

  • 2 cup green beans

  • 1 cup mushrooms, cooked and sliced

  • 1 1/2 cups cottage cheese

  • 1 cup grated mozzarella

  • 1/2 grated cheddar

  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes

  • 3 cloves garlic

  • 1 tsp black pepper


  1. Put chicken breasts and spaghetti sauce in crockpot, grate garlic clove into sauce, add black pepper and red pepper, cook on low for 5 hours

  2. Take chicken breast out of crockpot, let cool, then slice into bite sized chunks

  3. Put 1/4 cup sauce in bottom of oven safe pan, then add the green beans, top them with the mushrooms then the chicken then the cottage cheese. Top the casserole with the cheese, cook for 20 minutes in 350 degree oven, or until cheese is bubbly

  4. Let sit for 15 minutes before serving

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