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Low Carb Chicken, Mushroom and Ricotta Casserole

This is another meal that proves that low carb does not have to be boring! There is so much flavor in this dish, the different kinds of cheese, red pepper flakes for a little spice, and the mushrooms add a great flavor that reminds me of pizza. pizza is always good right??!?!

Low Carb Chicken Mushroom Ricotta Casserole

When making this you want to make sure you get the spaghetti sauce and ricotta cheese with the lowest amount of sugar and carbs as possible. There is a huge difference in different brands so check them all and choose the lowest, this will help you keep the carbs low.

I love this recipe because I can use leftover chicken for it. I always cook extra chicken when I make it, there are so many things you can do with leftover chicken! I used leftover grilled chicken for this but pretty much any chicken would work great. If you want to save time, you can get a precooked rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and just slice it up. You can also use canned mushrooms to make it faster, I love canned mushrooms but I have a tendency to just eat most of them directly out of the can and there is not much left to cook with!

You can make this recipe as large or as small as you want, the recipe below will feed around 4 people but I have also made this for 1, I just used 1/4 of a chicken breast, a few teaspoons of sauce, a sprinkle of cheese and about 1/4 cup mushrooms. I use the rest of the spaghetti sauce to cook dinner for my family, I hate wasting food!


Low Carb Chicken,

Mushroom and Ricotta



  • 2 chicken breasts, cooked and sliced

  • 1.5 cups spaghetti sauce, low sugar/carbs

  • 2 cups mozzarella cheese

  • 1 cup cheddar cheese

  • 1 cup ricotta cheese

  • 3 cups mushrooms, cooked and sliced

  • 4 garlic cloves

  • 1 tsp black pepper

  • 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes


  1. Mix spaghetti sauce with grated garlic cloves, black pepper and red pepper flakes

  2. Place 3 TBSP spaghetti sauce into bottom of pan, spread around, then layer sliced chicken and mushrooms

  3. Top with ricotta cheese, then the rest of the spaghetti sauce

  4. Top with both cheeses

  5. Cook for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and browning, in oven at 350 degrees

  6. Let sit for at least 5 minutes before cutting into


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