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Red,White and Blue Fruit Kabobs with Hot Fudge Dipping Sauce

This was so easy and fun to make. My kids helped me make the kabobs and also the hot fudge sauce, they had a lot of fun and loved eating their creations at the end! I made two different types of kabobs, one with strawberries, bananas and blueberries and the other with strawberries, marshmallows and blueberries. The kabobs with the bananas do not last very long, the bananas will start turning brown so if you will not be eating yours right away, the marshmallows are the best bet.

My kids started by cleaning the strawberries and cutting the tops off. Next they rinsed the blueberries and let them drain. Then they cut the bananas and marshmallows into bite sized pieces.

Then they put everything on the kabob sticks. I love the way the colors go together so nicely and how easy it was. We did ours in a pattern of red, white and blue, but you can do yours however you like! Next we started the hot fudge sauce.

The ingredients are things we always have in our kitchen, cocoa powder, sugar, heavy cream, vanilla and butter. We measured everything out and cut the butter into smaller pieces before heating it on the stove. My kids are great at measuring things and cutting things into smaller pieces so they were able to help quite a bit. They both like to stir things on the stove too, I just make sure to stay close by and watch them.

In the pan we combined the cocoa powder and sugar. Next, we turned the pan on to medium-low. We did not want to burn the mixture so we kept it lower. Then we added the cream and kept stirring it until it was smooth.

We added the butter and stirred until it was melted. Then we added the vanilla and combined it with the mixture. After everything was mixed, we poured it into jars and put it in the refrigerator. When you want to use the hot fudge, take out the amount you want and microwave for small amounts of time until it is heated through. This hot fudge sauce is great for fruit and also ice cream. My kids love to make hot fudge sundaes with it and even banana splits.

Fruit Kabobs with Hot Fudge Dipping Sauce

Ingredients for kabobs

  • 1 lb Strawberries

  • 6 oz Blueberries

  • 2 bananas

  • Marshmallows

Ingredients for hot fudge sauce

  • 3/4 cup cocoa powder

  • 3/4 cup sugar

  • 3/4 cup heavy cream

  • 6 Tbsp butter

  • 1 Tbsp vanilla


  1. Clean strawberries and cut tops off

  2. Rinse blueberries and let drain

  3. Cut bananas and marshmallows into bite sized pieces

  4. Put strawberries on kabobs, followed by bananas or marshmallows, then blueberries, then repeat. End each kabob with a strawberry.

  5. Put cocoa powder and sugar in a pan, stir to combine.

  6. Heat stove to medium-low and add heavy cream. Stir until well combined.

  7. Add cut up butter to pan, stir until melted and smooth.

  8. Add vanilla

  9. Put hot fudge sauce in jars to keep in the fridge if you are not using immediately .

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