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Easy Chicken Parmesan

Tonight, I decided we were going to have Chicken Parmesan for dinner!

Now, I’ve never made this before, and I didn’t have a recipe. What I did have was a basic understanding on how it was made, so I set off and this is how I did it.


3 chicken breasts Flour Breadcrumbs Eggs Grated Parmesan Spaghetti sauce Spaghetti Pasta Lemon pepper Johnny’s Seasoning Salt Garlic Powder Mozzarella (All I had was string cheese, so it is what it is) Vegetable Oil

To start off, make sure that your chicken breasts are completely thawed. Butterfly each breast, then cover with plastic wrap and pound flat. I don’t have a meat hammer thingy, so I used a flat-ish metal spoon and that seemed to do okay. Don’t over beat it, as it might make the chicken start coming apart. I learned that one the hard way.

In a large pan, start heating up the vegetable oil, and go ahead and turn on the oven to 400 F. Get 2 plates. On one plate, put flour, Johnny’s, lemon pepper, and garlic powder (all to taste, obvs). On the other plate, put breadcrumbs and a bunch of grated parmesan. Definitely over a 50/50 ratio. Because parmesan is delicious. If you have a longer Tupperware dish, crack some eggs into that and whisk up really well.

When the oil is hot, take the chicken and dredge in flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs, then straight into the pan to shallow fry. Don’t worry too much about the chicken fully cooking, it’s going to go into the oven. While those are browning up, grab a casserole dish (mines like 9”x11”) and cover the bottom in the spaghetti sauce. I just used a can of the Huntz stuff, it’s cheap and it’s easy. Make sure you leave some to go on top of each piece of chicken.

When both sides of the chicken are browned, place on top of the sauce, and layer more over top. Slice up some mozzarella and put that on top as well, then put them into the oven for about 20 minutes, until the sauce is bubbly and the cheese starts to brown.

While you’ve got that in the oven, boil some water and cook your spaghetti noodles. PRO TIP: Keep the lid on while bringing to a boil, take it off when pasta is added. I was surprised more people didn’t know about this, but it will make your water boil faster. You can salt and oil the water if you want to, I chose not to this time as I went heavy on the Johnny’s in the flour.

Finally, plate up some pasta, spoon the chicken and a little extra sauce on, and serve up some garlic bread if you’d like. And that’s it.

It wasn’t as hard as I had anticipated, as I’m usually intimidated by a lot of the dishes I want to make (like paella, it looks easy enough but I would probably screw it up). This was really easy, and didn’t take long at all.

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