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Three Berry Pie

Three berry pie is so fun to make. We started by picking our own berries, our kids had a lot of fun doing picking berries. The blackberries were the hardest to get because of the thorns, but we still got more than enough! We decided we did not want blackberry seeds in our pie so we used a mesh strainer to get just the juices of the blackberries. We found out that our kids love plain blackberry juice! Because we did not use whole blackberries, this recipe calls for more blackberries than you would use if you are using the whole berry, so use less blackberries if you are not straining the blackberries.

This is a very simple recipe, just berries, sugar and cornstarch. The cornstarch is needed in this recipe since we used only the blackberry juice. We did not want to have a runny pie. It turned out perfect with the cornstarch. If you do not use only the juice of the blackberry, you can use less cornstarch.

We started by cleaning our strawberries and blueberries. Then we took the hull off the strawberries and sliced them. We left them in pretty good chunks, we like to taste the strawberries!

Next we washed the blackberries and put them in the strainer. We pushed the liquid through the strainer, the seed remained in the strainer. Next, we laid our pie crust in the pan, you can use homemade or store bought, whatever you prefer.

We added the blackberry juice to the other berries and also added the sugar and the cornstarch. We carefully combined it all, we did not want to break apart the strawberries or blueberries. Next, we put the berry mixture in the pie pan and then topped it with another pie crust. Pinch the edges together with either your fingers or a fork. Bake and enjoy!

Three Berry Pie


  • 2 1/2 cups strawberries, cleaned and sliced

  • 2 cups blueberries, cleaned

  • 4 cups blackberries, strained, liquid only

  • 1/2 cup white sugar

  • 4 TBSP cornstarch

  • 2 Pie crusts


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees

  2. Clean strawberries and blueberries, cut hull off of strawberries and slice into big chunks

  3. Clean blackberries and put in strainer. Strain all liquid out

  4. Put pie crust in pie pan (pie crust recipe below)

  5. Combine all blackberry liquid, strawberries, blueberries, sugar and cornstarch. Gently mix until well combined

  6. Put mixture in pie pan, top with other pie crust

  7. Pinch edges to close the pie crust, score the middle of the pie

  8. Bake for 45 minutes or until golden brown. You may need to put foil around the edges of the pie to prevent burning

  9. Let pie sit for at least 20 minutes before serving

Pie Crust


  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1 cup unsalted butter, cut into cubes (use cold butter)

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 teaspoon sugar

  • 7 Tbsp very cold water (May use less, add slowly)


  1. Combine flour, sugar and salt with food processor. Add cold butter in small amounts. Dough will be chunky. Add water slowly until dough is not flaky. Separate into 2 balls

  2. Refrigerate for at least on hour, but up to 48 hours.

  3. Put flour on work area and roll dough out, if it is too cold, let sit for a few minutes. Put it in pie pan and push it down to cover all areas. Trim excess dough, then fill

  4. Repeat with 2nd ball of dough, place that ball on top and pinch the edges together. Score middle of pie. Bake.

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