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White Sauce Chicken Broccoli Tortilla Pizza

It's Friday again. Which means it is pizza FRIDAY! The only bad thing about pizza Friday is picking just one pizza, that can be hard. I like so many different kinds. There are so many toppings to choose from, even so many crusts. This pizza is a little different than what most people are used to, it has a tortilla for a crust. I love crunchy pizza so it is a favorite for me. Plus everyone can make their own so they can have whatever toppings and cheese they want. Today I chose a garlic white sauce, chicken breast, broccoli, cheddar, parmesan and mozzarella. I already had a white sauce made from when we made fettuccine alfredo, you can use homemade or store bought, you can even substitute ranch for the white sauce (recipe below if you want to make your own). I only put a little sauce on each tortilla, you do not want them to get soggy. You can always serve extra sauce on the side. When I use red sauce with tortillas I do not put any sauce on the tortilla, just on the side so it stays crunchy.

To start I laid a tortilla on a baking pan, then I added a tablespoon on sauce, I spread it all over the tortilla, it was a thing layer of sauce. If you want to make sauce, it is easy! You can make a small batch by melting one tablespoon of butter in a small pan, once melted, add one tablespoon flour, mix together and stir for about one minute, then add one cup of milk. I usually let my milk sit out for a couple of minutes so it is not as cold, but it works with cold milk also. Whisk mixture together until thick. Next I add some 2 teaspoons of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon black pepper and 1 tablespoon of grated parmesan cheese. Taste it and make sure it has enough flavor!

Next, I cut up some cooked chicken breast. I had some leftover chicken breast that we had BBQ'd. That added a wonderful flavor to my pizza. But any chicken will do, even leftover dark meat is great on it! Next I cut up some broccoli that had been frozen and I cooked it for a few minutes, not too long, since it will be cooking again. Next I put the cheese on, I try not to add too much, I do not want it to make the crust soggy from the grease. After that, I just put it in the oven!

I like my pizza extra crunchy so I leave it in until I can see that the tortilla is turning brown and the cheese is also browning. It usually takes between 15 and 20 minutes. Then I let it sit for at least 5 minutes so the toppings can cool. After that, I might add a little extra parmesan or some red pepper flakes!

White Sauce Chicken Broccoli Pizza


  • 1 large chicken breast, cooked and sliced

  • 4 tortillas

  • 2 cups broccoli, partially cooked

  • 2 cups mozzarella cheese, grated

  • 1 cup cheddar cheese, grated

  • 1/2 cup paremsan cheese, grated

Sauce Ingredients

  • 1 TBSP Butter

  • 1 TBSP Flour

  • 1 cup milk

  • 2 tsp garlic powder

  • 1 tsp black pepper

  • 1 TBSP parmesan cheese, grated


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees

  2. If you are making sauce, melt butter, add flour, cook for 1 minute then add milk. Whisk together until thick. Add pepper and cheese. Let cool for a few minutes

  3. Lay tortillas on baking sheet

  4. Add 1 TBSP sauce to each tortilla

  5. Divide chicken evenly among tortillas

  6. Divide broccoli evenly among tortillas

  7. Mix all cheeses together, top pizzas with cheese

  8. Cook 15 - 20 minutes, until turning brown

  9. Let sit at least 5 minutes before serving

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