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WIP Wednesday! The Weasley Blanket Part 2

It’s Wednesday again! And I’m still working on the same project, probably will be for the rest of my life (insert crying emoji here). As the title says, I’ve been working diligently on knitting up The Weasley Blanket by Jackie Wierzbicki. You can find the pattern on

Last week, I didn’t feel like I was making too much progress. My idea to try and make three squares of each to make three blankets was really slowing me down. So I switched to making one at a time. To date, I have completed columns A, B, and C, and I’m about halfway done with column D.

Certain squares are becoming a little difficult with the yarn that I have, and I haven’t been able to make any trips to the craft stores. I’ve been trying to make do with what I have, or skipping a square here and there to make at a later date. I also toyed around with the idea of crocheting some of the squares, to speed things along a little bit. I’m still not sure that’s something I’m going to do, as I’m ahead of schedule at the moment. I have been making 1-2 squares a day, when I told myself I would make at least one a day to keep on a schedule.

Once I finish column G, I’m going to start blocking the squares in the completed columns. I’ve noticed the couple of diagonal squares I’ve made are a bit larger, so I’m just going to do my best here. Weasley blanket, remember? It doesn’t have to be perfect. As the squares come off of the blocking mats (thanks KnitPicks), I’m going to start sewing them together, rather than bundling them up again and risk them losing their shape again.

I’m projecting I will have this project done (hopefully) by the end of October, beginning of November. Hopefully I don’t lose the steam I’ve been chugging along with the past month. My house is in disarray, I’ve barely gone anywhere, and I’ve watched far too many shows on Netflix. I’m ready for this to just be done!!

Don’t forget to check in every Wednesday to see what we’re working on! Happy crafting, and have a marvelous Wednesday!

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