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Easy Garlic Fries

We are a family who lives on the cheaper side, paycheck to paycheck. Going out to eat all the time isn’t a luxury we are capable of affording, so the ability to make our favorite foods at home is key. One of my favorites is garlic fries. It’s something extremely simple, yet oh so delicious. Here’s how I make mine.

Start off with the fries. You can either make frozen fries to your preference (we like extra time in the oven for crunchy), or shallow fry some potatoes cut up how you like. This last time I made them, I wanted to go from potatoes. So I cut those up and used my fancy new cast iron to fry them. I made sure the oil was hot before frying, to keep them from getting soggy which is a bad habit born from my impatience.

While the fries are cooking, I took a smaller pan and added a little bit of butter. Seriously, you just need enough to barely cover the bottom of the pan. Add in some minced garlic, I buy the little jars in the produce department. The amount of garlic you need depends on how many fries you’re making, so use your best judgement and you’ll be fine. Cook up garlic for a few minutes and then add some dry Italian seasoning. Altogether, the garlic shouldn’t cook more than 4 minutes. Just long enough to take the bite away and still leave it fragrant and tasty. This step could also be skipped entirely. Just use garlic powder and the Italian seasoning straight onto the fries if you want it to be easier!

Once the fries are done, add the garlic, a little bit of salt, some parmesan cheese, and that’s it. You could add cheddar cheese as well to make cheesy garlic fries.

As a bonus, this is how I make our “special sauce.” Use 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of ketchup, maybe a teaspoon or less of mustard, a teaspoon of Sriracha, and a teaspoon of black pepper. Mix it all together and enjoy!

Let us know what you would put on your garlic fries!!

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