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Potatoes and Turkey Kielbasa

This is a quick and easy meal but it is so full of flavor. You can use any kielbasa or smoked sausage you would like, I have several kinds I use, turkey and chicken hardwood are my favorite. I use either red skinned potatoes or yellow skinned, then I do not have to peel them. You can also top this with cheddar cheese or cottage cheese, both are delicious with it!

Everyone in my family likes this meal so I make a huge pan of it and all of it gets eaten. Sometimes I add carrots to it, they take a little longer to cook so I start them first. You could add any other vegetables to it, just time them right so they can cook all the way.

I love meals that are cooked in one pan, it makes clean up so much faster. I hate having dirty dishes so I always clean them as soon as I use them, so one pan meals are my favorite! It also makes cooking the dish much easier. Instead of using multiple pans and spatulas, there is only one of each so you can focus your attention in one place. Sometimes cooking multiple things at once can get confusing and things do not get cooked right. With this meal, as long as you are watching it and not letting anything burn, it comes out just right!

First, I clean the potatoes and cut off anything that needs to be cut. Then I cut the potatoes into little cubes, they do not have to be the exact same sizes, I usually do some a little bigger and some a little smaller so I get some extra crunchy ones. Season the potatoes. Next I chop some onion and grate some garlic. I put a small amount of oil in the pan, you can always add more if you need it but do not put too much, you cannot take it out. Then I add the onions and they cook for a few minutes, then I add the potatoes and garlic. While that is cooking I cut the kielbasa into bite sized pieces. When the potatoes are tender, add the kielbasa to the pan, let cook for a few minutes until the kielbasa and potatoes have a nice brown crunch to them. When they are done you can eat them as they are or top them with something yummy, like cheese or eggs!

If you are lucky enough to have leftovers from this meal, it heats up good in the microwave or in a pan. We do not have leftovers very often, but when we do, it makes a great lunch the next day.

Potatoes and Turkey Kielbasa


  • 1 Turkey Kielbasa

  • 6 potatoes, cleaned and cut

  • 1 small onion, chopped

  • 2 cloves garlic, grated

  • 1/2 TBSP black pepper

  • 2 tsp seasoning salt

  • 1/2 TBSP canola or coconut oil


  1. Clean and cut potatoes into bite sized pieces

  2. Chop onion and grate garlic

  3. Turn pan onto medium heat, put oil and onions in

  4. Cook for 2 minutes, add potatoes and garlic

  5. Cook for about 15 minutes, flipping potatoes a few times to cook on all sides

  6. Cut kielbasa into bite sized pieces

  7. When potatoes are fork tender, add kielbasa

  8. Cook for about 8 minutes or until brown and crunchy, middle of kielbasa should be warm




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