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WIP Wednesdays! The Weasley Blanket Part 4!

It’s a new Wednesday and I have certainly made some progress. I’ve finally reached the halfway point! The Ron Weasley Blanket is no small challenge, and I’m just happy to have made it this far!

Yes, finally. It seems like I’ve been working on this thing for half of my life. But columns A thru E are now finished, and I’ve finished 1 square of column F. My yarn stash is depleting more than I would have expected at this point, so I’ve made up a couple of squares that don’t resemble what’s in the pattern. And that’s fine with me. I’m pretty sure that Molly Weasley didn’t have anything in mind when she was making up the blanket. Though I will admit, being able to knit by magic would be wonderful at this point.

My wrists and hands have been having a hard time with life. They ache, and tingle, and are just uncomfortable throughout most of the day. I’ve added in some stretches and exercises, hopefully that will do me some good.

In other news, I finished the side bonus project! I didn’t have anybody in mind when I made this baby blanket, but it was something that I’ve been wanting to make for a long time. I posted it for sale on my personal Facebook page, and now have someone wanting a baby blanket like that in different colors. Since I’m running out of my stash, I’m planning on hitting the craft store tomorrow to see if I can find anything in what she’s looking for. And, possibly, pick up a few extra skeins.

All in all, it’s been a pretty successful week, as far as hitting milestones. Now I just need to keep pushing through until the end!

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