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Hamburger Gravy

Sometimes you want a comfort meal, but you do not want to spend hours cooking it. This is a good meal for that. This gravy is so good. It is creamy and meaty and makes the world seem okay again. At least while you are eating it! I like to make garlic mashed potatoes to go with it. And corn. Because if I am eating mashed potatoes, I have to have corn. They just go together for some reason.

I have been eating this since I was a kid, I loved it then and still love it. It is one of the few recipes that my whole family will eat and I do not have to try to change things. So it is a win-win for me. Plus, it is pretty easy and it can be made ahead of time. I love meals that can be made ahead of time and just reheated for dinner. I am tired by the end of the day and I love to not have to cook full meals every night at dinner time. This also makes a great leftover stroganoff dinner. I will post the recipe for that soon!

To make this meal a little healthier, I make mashed potatoes with laughing cow cheese instead of butter. I use the garlic flavored laughing cow cheese, it turns out fantastic. They are still nice and creamy but not as many calories. I use 1 - 2 wedges, depending on how many potatoes I use. I also use non fat milk, it is all we have in our house so there is not really a choice, but nobody notices that it is not a higher fat milk, and again, it saves calories, so you can have more gravy! I also add some garlic in the potatoes for a little extra flavor. Plus, I love garlic so I usually put it in everything. You could use ground turkey or chicken instead of hamburger also, if you would like.

You can also make the gravy, cook the hamburger and mushrooms then put it in you slow cooker if you would like to make it ahead of time and have it hot, the longer it cooks, the better it tastes!

This would go great with a side of parmesan mushrooms or garden green beans.

Hamburger Gravy


  • 3 TBSP butter

  • 3 TBSP flour

  • 3 cups milk, I use non fat

  • 2 tsp black pepper

  • 2 tsp seasoning salt

  • 1 lb mushrooms, chopped into little pieces

  • 1.5 lbs hamburger, I use 4% fat


  1. Melt butter, add flour, cook for 1 minute, add milk, stir until thick, about 3 - 4 minutes

  2. Add seasonings

  3. In separate pan, cook hamburger, after a few minutes add mushrooms, cook until hamburger is done

  4. Add to gravy, let simmer for at least 30 minutes, but longer is fine

  5. Serve over mashed potatoes


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