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W.I.P Wednesday! The Ron Weasley Blanket Part 5!

It’s Wednesday again, and if you’ve been following along, you know I’ve been working my tail off knitting up The Ron Weasley Blanket. It’s been a pretty massive undertaking since the beginning. I didn’t quite realize how deep of a hole I had begun to dig myself into. 10 columns of 8 unique squares. To date, I have completed 53 out of 80 squares. 66.25% complete as of today! I cannot be any more excited about this number.

I’ve been really trying to get a lot of it done this week, but we’ve been suffering the disgusting bugs brought home, courtesy of Back to School. Our high schooler went back at the beginning of august, and our big girl starts Pre-School next week! It was such a fun flu bug, filled with vomit, and congestion, and coughing, and things that I will spare you from. So it wasn’t a real productive week. But I didn’t get nothing done.

I’ve still been working on making at least one square a day, and that’s been working out well so far. There are a couple of squares that I have come across that are similar to other squares in the pattern. Luckily, when I made these squares earlier on, I had made three of some of them. So I’ve been kind of just throwing those in on the days that I don’t have as much time. I realize that it’s basically cheating, but it’s been a lifesaver.

Also, I have since completed the Camo Star Baby Blanket that I was working on as a side project. I’ve placed it for sale on my personal Facebook page. This brought up someone who wanted a girly star baby blanket in pink, purple, and teal. That’s been my secondary project this week and I’m about halfway done with that (picture progress below). Maybe once I get my PayPal set up, I will post the Camo Star Baby Blanket on our blog here, and Instagram if people are interested! Just let me know!

Happy Wednesday Crafting!!

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