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Chicken Fajitas

In my house we do not limit tacos to Taco Tuesday, it just would not be fair. There are too many tacos, burritos, fajitas, nachos and dips that need to be eaten. I include all of those for Taco Tuesday and other taco days, we usually do not just have tacos.

There are many ways to do fajitas, my favorite is to put seasoning on them the day before or in the morning of the day that we will eat them. I like the flavors to have time to really make the chicken taste great. Sometimes I do not have time to do this, and that works too, either way they are delicious!

I like my fajitas pretty basic, just some lettuce, chicken, cheese and sour cream. I know that many people like green and red peppers with theirs, you can cook those when you are cooking the chicken if you would like.

I also love mine in salads. The chicken gives the salad so much flavor you do not even need dressing for it.

I also love making fajita nachos. The flavor of the chicken gives the nachos as unique flavor, it is one of my favorite types of nachos.

The good thing about making your own seasoning is, you can make it as spicy or as mild as you want. I like mine to be a little spicy, but not so spicy that my lips are burning. Also, if there are other seasonings you do not like, do not use them, you can simply omit them or substitute with something else. Jalapenos are very good in these, but I do not always have them so I do not always use them, if you do, use them!

Toppings are completely up to you, you can choose anything you would like. You can also serve these with rice or chips and salsa. Or just by themselves, they are pretty perfect the way they are.

Chicken fajitas go great with spicy taco meat, then everyone can choose which they want, or eat both, which is what we usually do.

Chicken Fajitas


  • 4 chicken breasts

  • 1/2 onion

  • 1 TBSP canola oil

  • 1/2 TBSP cumin

  • 2 TBSP garlic powder

  • 1 tsp black pepper

  • 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper, more or less to taste

  • 1TBSP chili powder

  • 1/2 tsp paprika


  1. Heat pan to medium high, put oil in

  2. Chop onion, put in pan, cook for about 6 minutes, stirring occasionally

  3. Cut chicken in thin strips

  4. Put all seasonings in bowl, add chicken, mix

  5. Let sit, if possible, if not, add to pan

  6. Cook for 4 minutes then stir, cook for additional 2 - 3 minutes or until chicken is done

  7. Serve on tortillas, salad or make nachos

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