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Okay, I feel like we need to talk.

The holidays are coming. Thanksgiving is next week, with Christmas 4 weeks after that. As with years past, there is a toy-craze. One toy that’s driving all of our children insane with want and must-have. The Hatchimals.

This isn’t the worst thing! Think about the Rubix Cube. Remember the Cabbage Patch Kids craze? How about the Furby insanity? Tickle Me Elmo? Razor Scooters??? Hatchimals are no different. They bring our kids joy, and so we try our best to help surprise them on Christmas morning.

As we have seen in the past with these fads, we also have money hungry, lowlifes who will grab every one of the toy that they possibly can, and sell them on eBay, craigslist, in Facebook groups, on OfferUp, sometimes at a 300% markup. I just did a quick google search and I found a set of 7 for $1,500.00. Do the math for that. That’s roughly $215 PER HATCHIMAL. Do you know how much they are in Target, and Wal-Mart? $50. FIFTY.

Now, if you’re anything like me, you not only care about your kids, but other good people and their kids. And these kinds of people taking away your chance to make your kid happy gets my blood boiling. And what’s really unfortunate is that parents panic, and they buy these toys at these incredibly insane prices because they feel they have no other option! But I have an idea.

Everybody knows somebody, right? If you happen to be, or know someone who is, in charge of any sort of buy/sell/trade Facebook group, see what you can do (as moderators) to disallow posts selling these toys at such high markups. You can still allow people to sell them, but for at the same prices as the stores, or lower. If you come across a post on any platform that allows you to leave a comment, be the person to call them out! I’ve done it myself, they said some words then deleted the post right away. Just make sure if they try to get brave behind their keyboards that you’re prepared to laugh and brush it off. You’re doing the right thing, they’re the ones acting like criminals.

If you’re looking for the toy and can’t seem to find it, ask the stores whether or not they have a waiting list. Not all stores do, but it doesn’t hurt to ask! Also, work as a team. If your friends are also looking, maybe get a paypal account you can all use just for this purpose (obviously only with those you TRUST COMPLETELY). Pool in what it would cost for the toy, including tax. If someone is shopping online and happens to see they’re in stock, they can make the order. Or maybe schedule store visits throughout the week, assigning people different days/times. Not everyone is going to be able to rush to the store after a phone call or text message, and not everyone at the store is always going to have that much money on them on a whim to have you pay them back later. Situations are not always perfect. This idea of mine definitely isn’t perfect. But it would certainly be so much better than paying double or more for one of these toys that our kids are so excited about.

Come together as a community. If people stop buying the Hatchimals from these crooks, they won’t sell them all by Christmas as planned and might decide to sell them at a lower price either when it gets closer to the holidays, or when the holidays are over. You have to understand that they really don’t have the power, because you are still the consumer.

We can work together to keep the holidays happy for our kids. What sort of ideas do you have to battle against these people? Sit down with your friends and come up with solutions of your own! And then let us know!

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