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Garlic Pepper Alfredo Dipping Sauce

Once I perfected making white sauce, a whole new world opened for me. I can make macaroni and cheese, gravies, sauces, Alfredo and many other things! I always have milk, butter and flour in my house so I can always make a nice, homemade sauce to go with anything. I buy big bags of Parmesan cheese from Costco and I divide them up into smaller bags and put them in my freezer, you never know when you are going to need to make an Alfredo sauce! I always have cheddar and other cheeses so I can make macaroni and cheese. When I get invited to other peoples houses for potlucks or other get togethers, homemade macaroni and cheese and sausage dip are always requested. This new dip will be too, if I decide to share with anyone!

I made this last night to go with dinner, we were having chicken and mozzarella raviolis, garlic bread and cabbage. The raviolis were from Costco, they had them for a sample and we loved them so we bought a package. We used them to dip in the Alfredo sauce and we also dipped the garlic bread in it. It would make a really good dip for bread sticks also. I think I might make some fettuccine Alfredo with this sauce also, the extra flavor from the pepper and garlic makes it a hit! It also stays good in the refrigerator for a few days so you can make extra and use it for other meals. It would make a really good pizza sauce, add some chicken, pineapple and cheese and it would be perfect!

The great thing about this sauce is, it is very easy to make more or to make less. We have made huge pots full of it for when we need to feed a lot of people and other times it is just us for dinner so we make a smaller batch. I just adjust the ingredients by the number of people and how much leftovers I want. I love leftovers. Especially if I can make a whole new meal with it. When I make Alfredo sauce, I always make leftovers, the first night we might have fettuccine Alfredo, the second night I might make a casserole or pizza. There are so many options! And it makes for a quick dinner, which everyone loves.

If someone in your house does not like garlic or pepper, you can simply leave them out. Or replace them with another seasoning everyone likes. There are many options with this recipe! Try different combos and see what you like.

Garlic Pepper Alfredo Sauce


  • 2 TBSP butter

  • 2 TBSP flour

  • 2 cups milk (I used fat free)

  • 1 cup parmesan cheese

  • 1/2 TBSP garlic powder

  • 2 tsp black pepper


  1. Put butter in a pan, melt

  2. Add flour to butter, cook for 1 - 2 minutes, stirring with a whisk

  3. Add milk, stir with whisk until thick, about 4 minutes

  4. Add cheese, garlic and pepper, stir

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