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Catching Ditto in Pokemon Go

I caught my first Ditto today! I was so excited, I heard that he was released yesterday and I wanted one so bad! Mine was not hard to get, I left my house and caught him a few minutes later. Then I got lucky and caught another one!

The first one I caught had a CP of 420, the second 29. I am just excited that I got not one, but two! It is fun to watch them change from what they started as, which in my case, both were Rattatas. I do not always catch Rattatas when I see them, I have caught so many and have a lot of candies for them, but I knew today I was going to have to catch everything I saw. It paid off. We caught both of ours less than an hour apart, we can't wait to catch more!

My son loves Pokemon, he gets so excited when we catch them, evolve them and battle at the gyms. He has become so much more active since the game came out. He asks me everyday if we can take a walk, I love it! The eggs and getting candies from buddies is great motivation to get moving.

The animation when you catch Ditto is cute. You first know that something different is going on because instead of saying "gotcha!", it says "oh!", just like when you hatch an egg. From there, whatever Pokemon you caught turns into Ditto. He is a cute Pokemon!

We have not gone to a gym to fight with him yet, we want to power him up first, but I have read that when you fight with him he turns into whatever Pokemon you are fighting first and he stays that way throughout the fight and copies the other Pokemon's moves.

I do not have any advice for catching Ditto, besides just catch everything you see. That is what we did. We used a lot of balls today but it was well worth it. Plus, right now XP and stardust is doubled so it benefited us. Also, if you use a lucky egg, you are suppose to get 4 x's XP so we will definitely be doing that also! We have already got quite a bit of XP and stardust today, we are very close to our next level so we will be playing a lot while there is extra XP and stardust. Happy Pokemon catching! GOOD LUCK!!!

Go comment on our Instagram page (username spicesandlife) or our main page (there is a comment section) and let us know when you have caught Ditto!

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