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I Peed My Pants!!

I want to talk to you about the past couple of weeks. Because this is a blog, right? We should be able to post basically anything we want! And I just need to get this all out there. Because I’m frustrated.

Last week, I started clearing out one of our bedrooms to convert it into a craft room. My stepdaughter recently had a family emergency and she was using the room while she was living here. That’s fine. I don’t have a problem with that. So I start my day with a shower, not thinking I was going to really work on the room too much that day. I ended up getting deep into it. I started kicking up dust, and sneezed violently quite a few times in a row. I might have gotten to 15 or so sneezes. It was the worst. But, not only that. But as a side effect of having a kid, things can leak. Incontinence. You know what I’m talking about. I peed. The sneezing made me pee. Now, it wasn’t a lot. Not like a fountain or anything. But it was enough that I had to get back into the shower and re-cleanse, and get a load of laundry started a day ahead of schedule. Yay me, right?

A few days pass, the room is all cleaned up and ready to become a craft room. Then I start having more sneezing attacks. It didn’t make sense. I had cleaned everything up, why was I still sneezing??? I brushed it off, and went about my day. I shouldn’t have. I should have started taking more vitamin C. But noooooo. I didn’t even think of the fact that I might be getting sick. Why would I? I had just had that sneezing-pee-pants episode a few days prior, so my mind automatically went to that and chucked it into the back of my head. Two days ago, I woke up feeling like garbage. My sinuses burned, my nose was runny, I was coughing, my eyes were watering, I was just flat out exhausted. And there it was, I was sick. But that’s not all. Oh noooo. I get ready for the day, I still had things to do! Ariel has to go to school, the dishes need done, the house needs picked up. I start sneezing uncontrollably again. That’s when I heard it. The wire in my most comfortable Victoria’s Secret Demi Bra had snapped in half. The only bra that I have that I didn’t buy on the cheap at Wal-Mart. I spent $50 on this bra! It’s so soft, and nice, and comfortable. I’m so mad! I’m still going to wear it. I’ll just cut the wires out. It’s a badass bra, why wouldn’t I??? I’m too poor right now to buy a new one!

Oh, and I forgot to mention how ticked off I am at The Walking Dead! I’m not even sure why I still watch it. Probably because it’s just a giant train wreck at this point. You know, the kind you can’t look away from, no matter how much it makes you cringe. Remember what happened to Ashlee Simpson on SNL? How you just couldn’t stop watching that weird Irish jig after she messed up her lip syncing? Yeah. That bad.

Today, I still feel like garbage, but I know that it’s not going to last forever so I’m handling it the best that I can. With lots of medicine and coffee. I even wrote a new hat pattern in crochet, that you will get to see as soon as my partner in this site tests it out! I still have stuff to do to set make sure my craft room is all set up. If you’ve made it this far through the post, I hope you’ve had a good laugh at my expense. I’ve laughed at myself all week for it, so you should too!

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