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Turkey Kielbasa, Cabbage, Cauliflower and Potatoes

I love this meal. It has amazing flavors and it is pretty easy to make. I do not make it for family dinners however. My husband claims he does not like turkey kielbasa and my daughter does not eat cabbage, so this meal is saved for me and my son to have for lunch when nobody else is home. We are fine with this, it means more for us!

I start this meal by cooking the potatoes. I cook them whole, but not all the way, just enough so that they start cooking but I can still slice them without falling apart. I let them cool completely before I touch them, I have learned the hard way how hot the insides can be!

After the potatoes have been partially cooked, then cooled, I cut them up into small pieces. Then I put oil in a pan and let it heat up. I add the potatoes then when they are almost done, I add the kielbasa. I cook it all until it is browned and a little crunchy.

I cook my cabbage and cauliflower together in a separate pan, they need to cook in water which does not work for the potatoes. I like my potatoes to be crunchy. The cabbage and cauliflower is easy, I just put both in a pan, add some water and seasoning and let them cook until they are fork tender, which is only about 10 minutes.

This meal is great by itself, but if you want something a little different, try adding green onions to it when it is done cooking. You can also add cheese, any flavor is great, my favorite is cheddar. I like to have a side of sour cream or cottage cheese sometimes. You could also add hot sauce to give it a kick.

If you are planning on having leftovers, you might want to keep the potatoes and kielbasa separate from the cabbage and cauliflower so that it does not get soggy. When you reheat them, you can put the kielbasa and potaotes in a pan to keep the crispiness. The caggabe and cauliflower can be microwaved or put in a pan to reheat.


Turkey Kielbasa, Cabbage,

Cauliflower and Potatoes


  • 1 package turkey kielbasa

  • 2 potatoes, cleaned

  • 1/2 head cabbage

  • 1/2 head cauliflower

  • 1 tsp seasoning salt

  • 2 tsp garlic salt or minced garlic

  • 2 tsp garlic salt

  • 1 tsp black pepper

  • 1/2 cup water


  1. Cook potatoes until almost done, but not quite. Let cool completely

  2. Chop potatoes, put oil in pan, let heat on medium. Season potatoes with seasoning salt and garlic powder. Add potatoes

  3. Cook potatoes about 8 minutes or until almost done, add kielbasa, cook additional 6 minutes or until browned and crispy

  4. While potatoes cook, put cabbage, cauliflower, garlic salt, pepper, and water in pan, let cook, stirring occasionally for about 8 minutes, or until fork tender

  5. Drain cabbage and cauliflower, combine with potatoes and kielbasa


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