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Crunchy Chicken Strips

Crunchy chicken strips are the most requested meal in my house. If I ask my kids what they want for dinner, 9 out of 10 times they request crunchy chicken. They always want it for their birthdays, along with homemade macaroni and cheese!

This is not a hard dish to make, but it is time consuming. It is not one of the dishes you can prep then forget about. You have to watch the chicken to see when it is done and then remove it from the pan and put more in. So, it is not hard but it takes a little time. It can also be very messy. I am usually covered in flour and other seasonings by the time I am done, so is my kitchen and anyone helping. BUT, it is so very worth it for this chicken. It is crunchy on the outside but tender and juicy on the inside. It has a little spice, but not too much, my kids never say it is too spicy.

Becuase this is fried chicken, we do not have it very often, it is something "special". If it were up to my kids, we would probably have it at least once a day, but I try to make healthier meals most of the time and have special meals like this every so often. It is not strictly reserved for birthdays though, that would not be often enough!

My kids are old enough to help make it now, I love that they can help in the kitchen! My oldest likes to put the chicken in the different bowls then put it in the pan, I take over from there. My youngest helps me put the ingredients in the bowls. They both help with the clean up, which is wonderful because it can get very messy. I think they are so willing to help because they know the reward of eating the chicken is well worth the work!

That picture pretty much says it all, see how juicy it is?!?!?! And the outside has a nice crunch to it, you really cannot go wrong with it.

You can easily adjust the seasonings if you do not want spice or you want more of something, the recipe is very easy to alter, just test it first to make sure you like the way it tastes. I do not always measure the ingredients so my chicken is not always the exact same, but it is always delicious!


Crunchy Chicken Strips


  • 3 chicken breasts, boneless and skinless

  • 4 eggs

  • 2 cups flour

  • 1 TBSP seasoning salt

  • 1/2 TBSP black pepper

  • 1/2 TBSP garlic powder

  • 2 tsp cayenne pepper

  • 2 cups oil


  1. Slice chicken into strips

  2. Beat eggs in bowl big enough to add chicken

  3. Put chicken in egg bowl

  4. Add all other ingredients to another bowl

  5. Heat pan with oil in it (medium heat)

  6. When oil is hot, dip chicken in seasoning bowl then place in pan. Do not overcrowd pan, only place a few strips in the pan at a time

  7. Cook for about 4 minutes then turn, cook about 3 more minutes, chicken should be golden brown on the outside and no pink on this inside, place on baking racks and let cool for a couple of minutes before serving

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