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Thin Crust French Bread Pizza

Pizza night is a favorite in my house. I especially love the nights we make our own pizzas, then everyone can choose what they want and we do not have to order 4 separate pizzas! These pizzas are great because they have a sturdy but thin crust, everyone can make a couple of them so they can choose different toppings on each pizza if they want to.

I but the french bread already sliced, that is how I get it so thin. If I slice it at home I cannot get it as thin. I get the loaves for $1 so they make a cheap crust, plus we never use the whole loaf for one meal so it is a really good deal!

I grate the cheeses and cut anything that needs cut (onions, meat, etc) in the morning so when it is dinner time I can just pull everything out of the fridge and everyone can pick their own toppings and cheese. It makes its dinner time really fast!

I usually use leftover spaghetti sauce so it has hamburger in it, everyone in my family loves it. It give it a little extra flavor. I also cook my sauce all day long so it tastes wonderful. It makes the pizza so good!

The only trick to this pizza is to not use too much sauce, it can make the bread soggy if you do. I put a thin layer on each piece of bread, it is plenty to taste it and the bread stays nice and crunchy.

Another thing I love about making pizza at home is, you can make the crust as crunchy as you want it. I love my pizza extra crunchy which you cannot get from take out. That is probably why I like leftover take out better than fresh, I can put it in my oven and make the crust crunchy!


Thin Crust French

Bread Pizza


  • 1 loaf sliced french bread

  • Spaghetti sauce

  • Mozzarella cheese

  • Cheddar cheese

  • Parmesan cheese

  • Toppings - pepperoni, sausage, onions, olives, mushrooms, chicken, bacon, pineapple, etc


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees

  2. Put foil on pan, then put as many slices of bread as you wish to make

  3. Top with sauce

  4. Pick your toppings and put those on sauce, top with cheese

  5. Bake for about 10 minutes, or until cheese is melted and bottom is light brown


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