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Cheese Crusted Grilled Cheese

This is the King of grilled cheese sandwiches. It is the cheesiest sandwich I have ever eaten, it even has crunchy cheese, which is my favorite. I could eat this sandwich every single day with no complaints.

For my birthday and Mother's Day, when I am asked what I would like for dinner, I usually pick a grilled cheese sandwich. My husband surprised me with this cheese crusted version one year so we have been making it ever since. If I had to make a top 5 list of my favorite foods, this would definitely be on it.

I use sourdough bread because I think it holds up the best for grilled cheese, but you can use whatever you want. I know there are tons of different kinds of breads out there and many would work just fine. My other go to for grilled cheese sandwiches is french bread. It is a sturdy bread also so it can take the heat.

Just look at that crusty cheese. It really does not get better than that. The best part is, these sandwiches are not any harder to make than regular grilled cheese!

If you want a little extra flavor, add some garlic salt when you butter the bread, it gives it an amazing flavor. You can also switch out the cheeses, any melty cheese will do great in this sandwich.

You can also add meat to it. I love ham on grilled cheese sandwiches, it tastes wonderful. Sometimes I am in the mood for something a little spicier so I use pepperoni, then it is like a pizza grilled cheese. I am not a fan of tomatoes, but I know a lot of people like them on grilled cheese sandwiches also.

If you do not like butter, or you want to try something different, you can use mayonnaise instead. I had heard about it, so I tried it, even though I am not really a fan of mayonnaise. I thought it tasted pretty good, you cannot taste the mayonnaise flavor, it just makes it crunchy.

There are so many options with this sandwich, it can make almost anyone happy, they just have to like cheese!

This goes great with roasted cauliflower, parmesan mushrooms and oven fries. It can also be a meal by itself, all that cheese is pretty filling!


Cheese Crusted Grilled Cheese


  • 4 slices sourdough bread

  • 4 slices cheddar cheese

  • 2 slices mozzarella cheese

  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

  • Butter


  1. Heat pan to medium

  2. Butter one side of each slice of bread

  3. Put a small amount of shredded cheese on pan, put one slice (butter side down) onto cheese, top with 2 slices cheddar and 1 slice mozzarella, top with one slice of bread, butter side up. Repeat.

  4. Cook for about 4 minutes, or until cheese is melted, lift one sandwich off pan, put shredded cheese on pan, flip sandwich onto it. Repeat with other sandwich. Cook for 3 - 4 minutes or until cheese is melted

  5. Let sit for a few minutes before cutting


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