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Crockpot Pork Loin

Crockpot pork loin is delicious and easy to make, my two favorite things! You can make it with vegetables, like I do, or just by itself, either way, it is delicious and juicy.

I used to think I did not like pork very much, it was usually dry and not very flavorful. Then I started cooking it in my crockpot and everything changed. It is so tender and delicious when you cook it slow and low. It is not dry at all, which I love.

To make the crockpot pork loin, I put onions, carrot and minced garlic in the bottom of my crockpot. You can season this or leave it plain, the seasoning from the pork will make it down to the vegetables, plus the garlic gives the carrots and onion great flavor.

Next I put the pork loin on top of the vegetables, I use about a 2 pound pork loin, you can go bigger or smaller, just make sure if it is bigger that it fits in your crockpot. I have had that problem before! I had to cut it to make it fit. You may have to cook yours a little loner if you choose to go bigger, and a little less if you go smaller.

I put a lot of seasoning on the pork, it gets all of its flavor from the seasoning and some will go down to the vegetables. Put anything you like on yours, I put black pepper and garlic on mine and it was perfect. I add about a cup of chicken broth to the bottom of the crockpot, I put it in on the side so I do not disturb the seasonings on the pork.

I do not put the potatoes in until the pork has been cooking for several hours, I do not like my potatoes to turn to mush. I put them in for about the last 2.5 hours and they turned out perfect.

When it is does, let the pork sit for at least 15 minutes then you can cut and serve! Mine was so tender it was falling apart, it was wonderfully delicious!


Crockpot Pork Loin


  • Pork Loin (about 2 pounds)

  • 5 carrots, peeled and cut

  • 1/2 onion sliced

  • 1 TBSP minced garlic

  • 6 potatoes, cleaned

  • 1 TBSP black pepper

  • 1 TBSP garlic powder

  • 1 cup chicken broth


  1. Place onions in crockpot, then carrots. Spread the minced garlic on top of carrots

  2. Place pork on top of garlic, sprinkle the black pepper and garlic powder over pork evenly

  3. Pour chicken broth on the side of the crockpot so it does not disturb the seasonings

  4. Cook for 4 hours on low, add the potaotes, cook for 2.5 hours, check temperature to make sure it is done

  5. Take meat out of the crockpot, let sit for at least 15 minutes, then take everything else out of the crockpot and serve


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