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Non Candy Easter Basket Items

Easter baskets are so much for for kids but not always fun for parents. It can be hard to find a few small toys to put in them that kids will like. I have already bought everything for my kids' baskets, I did a minimum amount of candy, they have eggs that will have candy in them so I do not want to go overboard! Here is a look at some of the things I bought and some variations of the items I bought.

This bubble gun is always a favorite with my kids, I buy new ones every Spring, usually for Easter. You can refill the small bottles of bubbles with a larger bottle when they run out! This little toy has hours and hours of fun it in.

This one is for dinosaur lovers! It is like the gun above but in the shape of a dinosaur! How cute is that...

Sidewalk Chalk is another item that I buy new every spring, my kids love chalk and so do all the kids that come over. It is a great way to keep them entertained for hours! And, the rain washes it away so I don't have to clean it.

This is another all time favorite for my kids, silly putty. They love to play with it for hours!

Legos are always a hit, and look how cue this chick is!

Play-Doh always goes over good, here is some in Easter eggs. I have been buying these since my daughter was little, they still love them!

My kids LOVE anything emoji right now, so these will definitely go over good! I put a few coins in each, they will love that also!

My kids are a little too old for stuffed animals, plus they each have way more than they need already! But I do have a baby niece that would love a nice cuddly bunny!

If you need a lot of bunnies, this looks like a good deal!

I like to get recyclable grass, if I get grass at all, I do not always get it. It just seems to make a mess. My kids don't seem to mind either way so I don't feel too bad if I don't get any!


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