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Taking a Fitbit vacation

Let me start by saying I love my Fitbit. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. Possibly too much. I get totally consumed in the numbers of steps I have taken and will not accept less than my goal. I also do not like is anyone else has more steps than me. So, as you can see, while I think that Fitbit and other pedometers are a great tool for people to have, they can get a little out of control. This is where Fitbit vacations come in.

My first Fitbit vacation was not intentional. I was going to a water park with my kids and I could not wear it. I am not going to lie, I freaked out a little bit about the whole ordeal. I had worn my Fitbit everyday and gotten by goal almost everyday (the only time I did not was when I was sick, more on that later). I was contemplating wearing my Fitbit to walk around then put it in a locker when I was in the water, but I knew I would become too obsessed with the numbers I was seeing and would probably not get in the water. That would ruin the fun of the water park so I decided to just leave it at home. That was very hard for me. I felt naked. I felt like I was doing something wrong. I knew I walked a lot that day, but without seeing a number, I felt like I was missing something. Then I did something that shocked myself, I did not put it on the next day. I knew my numbers would be down from missing a day so I figured I would start over when I was at zero, so about a week. It was a wonderful week. I still walked and was very active, but I was not pushing myself to go just a little further when I knew I had done enough. I was able to do things around my house that I usually put off because I won't get any steps. You don't get many steps organizing cabinets in the kitchen, but it still has to be done!

After that first Fitbit vacation, I would like to say that it got easier for me to ditch my Fitbit and just live life. That did not happen. I still get anxious when I am not wearing it, but I am having Fitbit vacations more often. I went to the ocean for a mini vacation with my family and I did not think twice about leaving my Fitbit at home. I knew it was a long car ride to get to where we were going, which meant no steps. I did not want to get there and have to take a long walk, I wanted to enjoy being there. I know I still got a lot of steps, we ran along the beach and in and out of the water, but did I get as many as I would have with my Fitbit? Probably not, but I am actually okay with that now. I know that fitness and working out is very important, but I also know that taking time out to just enjoy life and do things with those you love it also important.

Another time that Fitbit vacations come in handy, is when you are sick. I have work mine while sick and made the situation worse by pushing myself. It was definitely not worth it. Now I know, if I do not feel good, I do not wear it. I can still walk, but I do not have to push myself. If I am bed ridden, I do not feel guilty, since no steps are counting. I know most people probably would not even consider being sick and not getting their steps a big deal, but to me it is. So I just have to deal with it and not wear my fitbit. It is always disappointing to not see the numbers I want so I just do not tempt myself.

I have a Fitbit Zip currently, the only issue I have with it in the cases do not seem to last long. I have had to order several, but I have also had it for years so that is probably to be expected. It does not plug in to charge, you have to change the battery. This has caused some unexpected Fitbit vacations. I try to keep a couple of packages of batteries on hand so that I can always switch them out, but I have found that some batteries do not last very long and I do not expect the battery to not work. I had one battery that only lasted two days, I was not home and could not find a new one so I took a Fitbit vacation for a while until I could get a new battery. I am not sure how I would do with a Fitbit that has to be charged, I am afraid I would forget to charge it, but I think I may get one of the watches and see how I like it. I read that the batteries stayed charged for 5 - 7 days, depending on which on you get. I might be able to handle that. I have more research I have to do before I decide, and I need to try them on to make sure I like the way they fit. That is one reason why I love my Zip, I do not even know it is there! You can clip it to any piece of clothing or even a necklace.

I think that using a Fitbit can be a great way for people to see what kind of activity level they are at, most people probably do not realize how few steps they take in a day. I really do love my Fitbit, it has shown me how I can push myself and see how fast I can go and how far, it really is amazing to see those things! But just like everything else, there is a time and place for it. Learn to use it the majority of the time but do not stress when you do not get the numbers you want, realize that tomorrow is a new day and it is simply not possible to always be perfect.

If you are new to using Fitbits or any other step tracker, start out with your normal amount of steps, just to see where you are. Do not try to set a goal that will be impossible to reach, you will probably get frustrated and not enjoy using the Fitbit. If you currently walk 4,000 steps, slowly add more until you get to your goal. Most people have a goal of 10,000, that is what is recommended, so aim for that at first, you can always adjust your goal once you have gotten used to walking and incorporating it into your day. My goal is usually between 12,000 and 14,000 steps, but I usually end up with much more. I actively try to get to those steps, but I am not done walking for the day. I end most days between 16,000 and 19,000 steps. That is not an achievable goal for many, I am used to setting aside time so that I can use my elliptical or walk outside when the weather permits. That is another thing you need to consider, weather. We have had a lot of rain lately so walking outside is not an option most days, I have to find other ways to get steps in, which usually means in my house. I do not live near a mall that I can walk around often, but if you do, that is a great option when it is not possible to walk outside. Another option is to go to a gym and use their equipment or find a gym with a track. In the past I have gone to the YMCA and a local gym. The YMCA had a wonderful track to walk around but it was simply too far away from my house to be something I could continue to do. My local gym did not have a track, but it did have treadmills, ellipticals, stair steppers and classes to take. It also had weights, of course! I love using weights so I loved that I could walk and use the weights. I recently bought an at home gym and I have an elliptical, exercise bike, free weights, jump ropes, workout DVDs and other equipment so now I workout at home. Workout DVDs can be a great way to combine cardio with strength training. I have several so I am not repeating the same workout, which I think helps a lot. I would get bored with just one or even three or four. I rotate between about 15 DVDs and they include everything, dancing, weights, Pilates, yoga, cardio. It does not matter what you do, as long as you do something. Find what works for you and see how far it takes you.

So, I am all for Fitbits and other activity trackers, I just think it is healthy to know when to use them and when to take a vacation from them. The vacation can be as short as a day or as long as a couple of weeks, whatever you need to live your life and enjoy it. Just do not stay away too long or you may forget to go back.

Here is a link to some Fitbits, just in case you do not have one or want to upgrade. I am thinking about upgrading myself soon, I really want one that has a heart rate monitor! Currently I have a Polar watch for heart rate but I have a lot of problems with the chest band. Fitbit has the heart rate monitor built into them, I am pretty sure I would love that...!

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