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I Used Baby Foot!

This product is supposed to make your feet nice and soft, but it takes about a week or so to get to that point. The box contains a pair of plastic booties full of this weird, and great smelling gel. I bought the Original Exfoliant Foot Peel in Lavender Scented. You could definitely smell the lavender, but there are so many other smells that go along with it. It was wonderful.

As per the directions on the back of the box, I cleaned my feet, dried them off, then put the booties on my feet. Feeling the squish of the gel between my toes was... strange. But I dealt with it. They recommend putting socks over the booties, and I second this. It helped hold the booties against your feet, giving you maximum soaking. Then you just sit there for the next hour and do whatever your little heart wants. I surfed the web, and got caught up on some shows I've been watching.

One thing I want to mention is DO NOT GET UP AND TRY TO WALK AROUND. I fell. Twice. It was hilarious. But it sucked. I will recommend having a small trash bag and a rag or damp wash cloth to wipe your feet off, then walk to where you need to go to wash them clean. It says on the box to use soap, I did not. I just really rinsed them well. Then the box tells you to wait 5-7 days, and your feet will start to peel.

The only noticable difference I had after the first couple of days was that the skin on my feet felt different. Almost as if they were coated in velvet? I'm still not exactly sure how to describe it, and it's been about 2 weeks since then. On the 3rd day after use, our family decided we wanted to go to the lake. It was an incredibly nice Sunday, with warm weather and beautiful clear blue skies. Sooo, we went to Sand Hollow State Park. Sand. Everywhere. I walked barefoot as much as I could. My feet were in and out of the water, and definitely all over the sand. The natural exfoliant ended up speeding the proccess up by a few days. We were only there for a few hours and my feet were peeling in the most glorious fashion. I didn't get video. Or pictures. Because I am a terrible person who apparently didn't take your feelings into consideration. But I do have witnessess who saw just how amazingly it was going.

The new skin underneath did not hurt, wasn't uncomfortable, and I've had zero issues with any sort of pain, just in case you were wondering. It was almost like a snake shedding it's skin. The dead stuff just came off, and the new stuff was ready to go. My feet feel so amazing it's ridiculous. I don't ever want to wear flip flops again and ruin how amazing they feel. The box also states that peeling could naturally happen up to two weeks aftweards, depending on the amount of dead skin you have. The bottoms of my feet have been done peeling for a while. The tops of my feet are still kind of flaky, but I'm not too worried about it. I wanted to see how well it would work if I didn't try to exfoliate that part, but I probably will soon.

If you decide to use this product, make sure you read through everything on the box first. It may seem like some of it is common sense, but there might be something you might not have thought of!

So if you're kind of weird, like me, and like things that peel (hello, sunburn season), then I say give Baby Foot a try! Use the link below to find it! The next time I order, I'll be looking to get the deep exfoliating one and see how that goes! If you've used the product before, let us know how it went!!!

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