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Grilled Chicken, Cabbage and Broccoli One Pan Meal

I eat cabbage a lot, I love it. Sometimes it gets hard to think of new ways to eat it, I do not want to eat the same meal over and over. I love that it is versatile and can be eaten alone or with other foods. I love cooking it with leftover meat and vegetables, it goes great with so many things! This meal was created because I had BBQ'd chicken breast the night before and had two breasts leftover. I also happened to have broccoli and mushrooms, it seemed like it would go together good, and it did. You can use any vegetables that you like, I also like cauliflower with this meal or green beans!

I usually use a little red pepper flake for some spice when I have cabbage and tomatoes, I do not know what it is, but it goes together perfectly! If you do not like spice, you can leave the red pepper flakes out, or if you love spice, add a little more! That is the great thing about making your own food, you can change it how you like it. That is my favorite reason for cooking my own food. I am a little picking and usually have to change things at restaurants. But at my house, I can cook my meals how I like them and change things when I want.

If you like cabbage, try this cabbage and cauliflower recipe, click here.


Grilled Chicken, Cabbage

and Broccoli


  • 2 grilled chicken breasts, chopped into bite sized pieces

  • 2 cups broccoli

  • 2 cups cabbage, cleaned and chopped

  • 2 cups cleaned and sliced mushrooms

  • 1/4 cup onion

  • 1 small can tomato sauce

  • 1 can petite diced tomatoes

  • 1 TBSP garlic powder, or minced garlic

  • 1 tsp black pepper

  • 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes


  1. Put broccoli, cabbage, mushrooms, onion, tomato sauce, petite diced tomatoes, garlic powder, black pepper and red pepper flakes in pan over medium heat

  2. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally

  3. Add chicken breast

  4. Cook for 5 more minutes, or until vegetables are done to your liking

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