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Roseanne Revival

I read a few weeks ago that Roseanne might be revived and today it is official, it is coming back! This is the best TV news I have heard in a while. I used to watch it all the time and now I watch it whenever I can catch it on TV or I will put one of my DVDs in, I own the whole series. It is one of the only shows that I can keep watching over and over again. I can honestly say it is still one of my favorite shows. I am so excited to see what they will do when it comes back on.

As well all know, Dan died in the last episode and there were many other changes. But from what I have been reading, Dan will be a part of the new show. So will both Beckys, but the newer Becky (Sarah Chalke) will be playing a different character. Beckys husband Mark passed away in real life so we know that there will be some changes from when it aired last.

It looks like the show will go back to its roots and the Connor family will be poor again, or poorer than they were when they won the lotto, they will be living paycheck to paycheck in the year 2018. I wonder if they will say they lost all of their lotto money or maybe make the lotto winning and Dan's death all part of a big dream, along with the rest of the changes from the final episode. It will be interesting to see all the changes and how they have grown in the last 20 years.

Roseanne was on the air for nine seasons, from 1988 to 1997. I can still remember watching the show when it originally aired, it was my favorite night of the week. And of course, we did not have DVRs to record everything then so we had to be home to watch it. Life was so hard before all this new technology, I wonder what our kids would think of the way we lived! I will definitely be setting my DVR as soon as they announce a date, it looks like it will be a mid season release.

According to everything I have read, the whole cast will be coming back, Roseanne, Dan, Becky, Darlene, DJ and Jackie. Roseanne Barr and Sara Gilbert (Darlene) will also be executive producing the show with others. I have seen nothing about Darlene's husband David (Johnny Galecki) returning to the show. Maybe he is too busy on his other major hit TV show. He will be missed if he does not return, his character definitely brought humor to the show.

Roseanne is only one of several shows being brought back from the 90s, Will and Grace will also be having a revival, Full House already did, along with the Gilmore Girls.

I am off to go watch the original shows again, I am going to start at the beginning and watch all the way through, and I am excited! No other show has ever held my attention enough to watch the whole series over and over again. I have big hopes for the new series!

If you feel like you need a refresher, here is a link for the whole series!

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