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Finding a Fidget Spinner in Stock

My daughter came home from school one day and asked if she could have a fidget spinner. I had no idea what she was talking about. It is moments like these that I am so so so grateful for Amazon. I simply typed in fidget spinner and quickly saw a lot of results. And they were cheap! This was going to be easy and fast! Then I started looking at individual spinners. I noticed that most of them had this notice on them -

Get it as soon as May 26 - June 1 when you choose Expedited at checkout.

That is not a good thing. I knew that if I did not pay extra for shipping we would be waiting quite a while. Up to 3 months in some cases. Also, even with the extra shipping it would have been well over a couple of days. I did not want to pay extra shipping, I know this is a toy my daughter is amused with right now, but it will not last. So, I kept looking. And searching. I wanted something for a reasonable price that would ship immediately. I finally found one that was in stock AND she liked it. That was an important part also. She only wanted certain colors and it had to have a certain look.

It only took 2 days to get to her, she started playing with it immediately. Her brother noticed it and decided he had to have one also. He is not in school yet so he had not seen one before. So, I started my quest again, only this time it was worse than the first time. Is that even possible? Yes. It was horrible, but I finally found one for him in his favorite color and it would be here in 2 days.

After his got here, we noticed some differences between the two. His seems lighter in weight and a little smaller. Nothing too major though. They both love them and still play with them daily. They are really nice for car rides, the kids play with them and there is no mess. I love toys that do not make messes!

I looked through so so so many posts to find what we were looking for, here are some tips,

  • paying a little more means more availability. My kids did not get the cheapest ones, or the most expensive, but somewhere in between. This gave us more options for colors and we did not have to wait for them to get back in stock.

  • expand the colors/design you are looking for, this will speed up the process. Also, if you see a fidget spinner you like but it is out of stock, try other colors on that page, many times a seller will be sold out of some of the colors and have a few still in stock.

  • if you do not want to pay extra for shipping, do not add any to your cart that say the above message, standard shipping takes a very long time.

  • check prime options first, if they have something you like and it is in stock and you have Amazon prime, it will be a fast delivery (if you do not have Amazon Prime, you can sign up here

for a free trial membership, there are so many more benefits than just free shipping! (Stream music, shows, movies, store photos and so much more.)

I know there are some debates about fidget spinners since they cause disruption in classes, but my daughter knows to not let hers get her in trouble, if it gets taken away, she will not get it back. My son does not go to school so he won't disrupt anybody, but when he does start school, he will not be bringing it with him. He is completely obsessed with it and he would let it affect his focus in class. I think parents and teachers know what is best for kids while in school, I know my kids well enough to know one can handle the responsibility and the other cannot. If you question your child's ability to have one at school, make it an at home toy. Some schools have rules against fidget spinners so that will make it easy for some parents, there is no choice to make. Regardless of how others feel about this specific toy, I know they make my kids happy and they have competitions between themselves so they have been actually getting along and playing for longer periods of time.

One word of advice, I have read that some fidget spinners have parts that are removable and can be a choking hazard, check your child's to be sure that is the not case with theirs. Neither of my kids have removable parts. I think I would return them if they did, even though my daughter is almost 12, you still can't be too careful when it comes to choking, especially if they do not know the dangers. I would be too paranoid to let them play with them out of my sight. But, this is also an issue each parent needs to deal with individually. Some kids may be fine with removable parts and not be tempted to put them in their mouths.

My daughter also decided she had to have a fidget box, these seem a little more involved to me. There is more to do on them, they have several sides, each side has something you can push or click. These were hard to find in stock also, unless I wanted to pay $20, which I did not, because like the fidget spinner, I know this is a toy that she wants now but she will not use it forever. So, I started my hunt for a fidget box in an acceptable color at an acceptable price that would ship that day. She was very happy with what I found, here it is

I would use the same advice for finding fidget spinners, expand the colors that you are looking for and be willing to pay a little more. These can be hard to find in stock also, but for both products, it just depends on when you look. What is available today may not be available tomorrow, but tomorrow some of the sellers may restock, so there may be more options.

The side that is showing has a ball that you can push down on and it makes a clicking noise and you can push the 3 blue things to make them spin. The spinner on top is fun, it goes all directions. On one side there is a switch, I think that is my favorite part, you can just keep clicking it back and forth. On the next side there is 5 little buttons you can press and 3 of them make clicking noises. On the last side there is a big round spinner that you can keep turning. This toy has been pretty entertaining for us.

Here is a link to fidget spinners, I cannot guarantee any of them will still be in stock, it changes quickly but if you click on one and it is not in stock, keep checking, you will find one eventually! Happy shopping!

Here is a link for the boxes, again, I cannot guarantee that they will be in stock but it's a starting place for finding them.


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