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Chocolatey Popcorn Treats

Chocolatey Popcorn Treats are my daughters favorite dessert. She always asks for them, luckily they are easy to make and I usually have the ingredients. Sometimes we change the recipe and use a different kind of chocolate or even add M and M's to the mixture before we put it in the pan. We have also added peanut butter to the chocolate before we drizzle it on the popcorn. There are so many options for this dessert!

The first thing we do when we make this dessert is air pop the popcorn. We do two batches of 1/2 cup seeds, which gives us a little more than 10 cups. We usually lose some to the floor and little hungry people so having extra is good. We set the popcorn aside while we continue the rest of the steps. I spray the pan next otherwise I usually forget and this mixture is very sticky so it can be stuck in the pan if you do not use spray.

Next, we melt the butter and add the marshmallows to the butter and continue to cook it until it is all melted together. The you simply mix the popcorn with the marshmallows. I spray one side of wax paper to push it into the pan, otherwise it sticks to everything.

Next we melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil over low heat until it is completely melted. Drizzle it over the popcorn and refrigerate until the chocolate is firm.

You can add any toppings or mixtures you would like, some good ideas are:

  • Small candy pieces (m and m's, chopped candy bars, Reese's pieces, Skittles, mini Reese's cups, etc)

  • Granola

  • Carmel

  • Extra marshmallows (mix in after you mix the popcorn so they stay almost whole)

  • Nuts

  • Sprinkles

  • Butterscotch chips

  • Peanut butter chips

  • Pretzels


Chocolatey Popcorn Treats


  • 10 cups of air popped popcorn

  • 1 package mini marshmallows (10 ounce)

  • 1 TBSP butter

  • 3/4 cup milk chocolate chocolate chips

  • 1/2 TBSP coconut oil


  1. Air pop 10 cups of popcorn, set aside

  2. Spray 9x13 pan, set aside

  3. Melt butter in pan, add marshmallows, when marshmallows are melted remove from heat

  4. Add popcorn to marshmallow mixture, mix well

  5. Put mixture in 9x13 pan. Spray one side of wax paper, use to push the popcorn mixture into pan

  6. Melt chocolate chips and coconut oil over low heat until melted, drizzle over popcorn mixture

  7. Refrigerate until chocolate is firm, at least 30 minutes

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