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Review of Reese's Crunchers

I like candy, but it is not my favorite food. It takes a really good candy to keep my interest...and this is that candy! If I had to pick a favorite brand of candy, Reese's would definitely win, they have always been my favorite, I love the regular Reese's cups, the big cups, the holiday special designs, the mini cups, the sticks, fastbreaks, ALL OF THEM. But this candy has brought it all to another level. They were so good, I could not stop eating them. I LOVED the peanut butter flavor and the puffs. They go together so good, and they were covered in chocolate so what's not to love? They also have chopped up peanuts in them...they are seriously the perfect candy.

When I saw that Reese's made a new candy, of course I had to try it. I did not get my hopes up, I was afraid they wouldn't be the best thing in the world and I did not want to be let down. But I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they were the best thing in the world! They really found the perfect combination for a candy. The description on the bag says "mini peanut butter chips, puffs, and peanuts covered in milk chocolate". I could taste each individual aspect of the candy. Many times flavors get lost in other flavors and you do not get all the flavors you thought you would, but not with these, they have some geniuses working in the flavor department at Reese's. They found a way to make each flavor stand out on its own, but at the same time mingle with the other flavors. I love those people.

Here is a link so you can buy them yourself and let me know what you think.

They are like little balls of love. Some are a little bigger than others, some are tiny little pieces. I loved every piece I ate. Which was almost the whole bag. I wanted to share with others, but that would mean less for me. So, I gave a few people one or two so they could try them then I ate the rest. Do I feel stingy? No. They can buy their own. And they can buy me some more while they are at it.

Reese's peanut butter is my FAVORITE peanut butter. Did you know you can buy it? You can, here is a link, in case you are like me and you cannot live without Reese's.

So, to sum up my feelings about Reese's Crunchers, I would definitely buy them again. And, I would definitely hide them from other people. Maybe I could get a huge bag and share. But its doubtful. They are really just too good to waste on others.

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