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Amazon Fire TV Stick

Fire TV Stick with Alexa Voice Remote is a streaming media player. It has over 15,000 apps that give you a better TV watching experience. You pick the apps you want to download on your stick and then they will be there for you when you are ready to use them. I had not even heard of a lot of the apps! It is amazing how many apps there are for watching TV, playing games and listening to music.

I had never given fire sticks or smart TV's much thought until we bought our daughter a smart TV. I found out what I was missing pretty quick. We already used Netflix on our Playstations but we did not have music apps, which I quickly found that I LOVE. We decided to get a smart TV for our living room and to get a fire stick for our bedroom. The fire stick is a cheap way to turn a regular TV into more of a smart TV. Our TV was still pretty new so I did not want to replace and I am glad we did not. The fire stick has everything that we need, plus much more. My son loves to play games on it and I love to listen to music on it. And, of course, we watch TV on it. It comes in real handy when all the shows have their season finales and there is nothing on regular cable to watch. We use Amazon Prime and Netflix, between the two there are more options than I even thought possible. The chances are very high that you will find something to watch.

Another nice thing about the fire stick is, the Amazon music app is on it. I love that! I have the app on my phone and Ipad but it is not available on my smart TV. I but a lot of CD's on Amazon because many of them have the auto-rip feature, which means you also get a digital copy of the CD. I love that I have access to those CD's plus all the other music I have added to my Amazon music account on my TV now. I am in music heaven, especially since I also have Spotify on it. Between Spotify and Amazon music I have pretty much all the music I need/want. I have definitely been using my Amazon music more now that I can play it on my TV. My Ipad and phone just do not get loud enough!

If you get a fire stick, you do not have to have cable or satellite to watch TV. You can pick different apps to use, even premium channels like HBO. Some of these apps do charge monthly prices but you could get several and still be paying way less than you do with cable or satellite. When our satellite contract is up we may go with just the fire stick, it has pretty much everything we need on it. The amount of money you can save by getting a fire stick and getting rid of cable or satellite is pretty amazing.

Another great feature with the fire stick is, you can take it with you. You just have to plug it in to another TV and wall outlet and you can use it. It would come in handy while traveling.

The remote has buttons so you can find what you want to watch but it also has voice control. You can tell the remote to find what you want to watch on TV and it will! It really is an amazing invention and has so many options for watching TV and other entertainment.

I highly recommend the fire stick. It is very user friendly, my 5 year old has no problem navigating around and finding what he wants. I like it so much that I also bought my mom one, she loves to watch Netflix and having the fire stick is much easier than her blu-ray DVD player. So far everything has been a positive experience for me with my fire stick and I know I am not done finding apps to use on it.

Here is a link to Amazon for the fire stick --

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