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The Passenger Book Review

I'm not a big fan of books that don't leave me with a feeling of satisfaction. It's probably because of my anxiety, but I always end up getting so bummed at the end of a story when I'm not exactly sure what happened. Sure, some authors think it's a great way to keep the mystery alive in their readers, but it's just not for me.

That being said, I finally got around to reading The Passenger by Lisa Lutz. I'm going to try not to spoil the story for you, but I make no promises. The Passenger is told from the point of view of a woman on the run from her past, constantly changing identities and locations. What she's running from? You find that out at the end of the book.

I want to be completely honest with you. I loved the book, until the end. I had my moments when I thought I knew what was going on, only for that to be completely wrong. It wasn't overly descriptive, which made reading a breeze. Lutz did a really great job with the story telling. But, in my humble opinion, I just can't get over the unknown at the end. I may have missed something, but I did continue going back over the last couple chapters to see if I could find it. If you're okay with that kind of thing, then I will definitely recommend this book to you.

Have you read it yet? Let us know! If not, the link to buy it on Amazon is below! Tell us what you think!

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