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What Happened When I Put Apple Cider Vinegar in My Hair

When I heard you could put apple cider vinegar in your hair to make it softer, I was extremely skeptical. I probably would not have even tried it except I just happened to walk past the apple cider vinegar at the store and it was cheap so I decided it would not hurt to try.

I have extremely thick and curly hair, it is so hard to do anything with it because it gets frizzy and knotted very fast. I have to use a lot of conditioner just to be able to comb my hair, sometimes I feel like shaving it off so I do not have to deal with it, but I have not gotten that far, yet.

I have however, tried many different things that are suppose to help curly hair and frizz. None of them have ever worked before. I always end up with frizzy hair and it drives me insane. I know there are worst things in the world but this is something that really bothers me. I do not have the kind of hair that you can comb and be done. I either have to slather it with product and hope for the best, or I end up putting it up so that it does not frizz.

I had heard so many good things about apple cider vinegar but I did not want to get my hopes up. Many things specifically talked about how good it is for curly hair so I finally decided to try it. There area a few different ways to try it

  • simply pour from the bottle onto hair

  • mix apple cider vinegar with water

  • put apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle

  • mix apple cider vinegar with water and essential oils

I used the first method the first time I tried it, I just poured some on the top on my head and let it go down the back and then I put my hair over my shoulder and put some on the under side of my hair. Not only do I have thick and curly hair, but it is pretty long too. I go through a lot of conditioner!

I let it sit in my hair for about 3 - 4 minutes then I rinsed it out. I then attempted to use a pick to comb my hair. I was amazed. I have never had any conditioner that worked as good as the apple cider vinegar. I was so easy to comb through. I did not think I would be able to get the pick through my hair at all since I had not used conditioner or any detangler. Needless to say, I was very impressed.

When I got out of the shower, I combed it again, just to see if it was still smooth, it was! Then I put some mousse and hairspray in my hair to see what would happen, it did not frizz all day! I was in complete shock. I had only put it in my hair once and it was already better than any other product I have tried.

After that first day I put it in my hair every day for about a week, then I decided to try every other day, just to see what would happen. It was still unbelievably soft and not frizzy! I tried to just put my hair up with no product in it, which usually results in little curls popping out everywhere and turning into a total frizzball mess, but I had no frizz all day! Even the top pieces that were not secured did not frizz. I was amazed, this has never happened before! Also, my hair was the softest it has ever been. I did not think my hair was even capable of being soft!

I still cannot believe that it works so well, and also that it took me so long to try it. I do not have to use conditioner on the days I use apple cider vinegar, it's wonderful! The only downside I have found is that is can be difficult to pour on and it smells. If you find it difficult to pour on, use a spray bottle, it makes it much easier! The smell does not stay, it only smells while you pour it and then while it is in your hair. When I rinse my hair, I no longer smell the apple cider vinegar. Also, after a few days the smell did not bother me as much.

If you decide to try it, you can probably get away with doing it every other day, or even less, depending on your hair. Try it and see what you think and change how often you do it to see how long the results stay. I could probably do it only 2 times a week and still have soft hair, I am going to start trying that and see what happens.

I am still completely amazed by what a simple kitchen product has done for my hair. I am very glad I decided to try it, I am going to start buying the bigger bottles since I know how much I love it now.

If you would like to try it, here is a link for a smaller bottle so you can decide if it is for you or not. If you do try it, let me know what you think! I would love to know how it works on different hair textures. I also put a link for a spray bottle and some essential oils, in case you want to try those also.

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