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The Ranch Part 3 and Season 5 of OITNB Review!

Okay. Let's talk about the new season of Orange is the New Black first.

I understand that I'm late to the game on this, by a few weeks. I binged the entire season within a day or two, and it was the longest day or two if my life.

When we were left at the end of season 4, a prison riot was just getting underway. The inmates of Litchfield were taking over. The riot was the entirety of season 5. That's not even a joke. The entire season 5 was however long the riot was, ending with the riot being over. I WAS SO BORED. It had so much potential for greatness. It wasn't until the last 2 episodes that I gained any sort of interest. While I would love to post a list of complaints, I wouldn't be able to do so without giving away any spoilers and having the readers crying foul.

In the end, was it worth it? I mean, probably not. Would I have watched it if I had nothing else to watch? Sure. Should I have been watching something else and not have been so excited about the release of the new season? God, yes. The whole season could have easily just been that one show I turned on for background noise while I was doing other things. Yes, I'll watch future seasons, but I'm not exactly sure how happy I'll be about it.

On that note, let's talk about The Ranch Part 3.

Excuse my language but FUCK YES. This show has been one of the greatest things that has happened to Netflix, in my humble opinion. It has the exact type of humor that I love, the story line is incredibly relatable to those who didn't grow up in the city life (small towns this one's for you), and Sam Elliot's character (Beau) gives absolutely 0 fucks on the outside, though his insides are all mush.

I haven't been as excited for a new season release since Netflix decided to take on Gilmore Girls, and that is one of my all-time favorite shows in the history of my life. The people who spend the time writing and producing this show are my heroes, and the actors who bring it all to life can just start having my babies right now, because we need more of them in the world. I understand that not everyone can get as violently excited about this as I do, but I'm writing this from my own opinion. And my opinion is all good, as I could watch this show all day every day.

What show would you like me to watch and talk about? I'm dying to hear from you!! <3

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