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Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove Series

Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove series was the first series I read as an adult. To this day it is still one of my favorites. I love the town setting and how you get to know different people in different houses in each book but you also get updates on people from previous books. It is a wonderful series to read!

The town of Cedar Cove is not a real town but it is based on a real town, Port Orchard, Washington, which is Macomber's hometown. I live in Washington so I really like to read the books and see what she changes and what she leaves the same. Each time you start a new book in the series it is like you are visiting someone's house. You learn so much about the people that live there, the good, bad and ugly. This is not a town that is perfect, each household has their own problems or difficulties and you learn what those are. I really like this style of book. It is easy reading for when you just want to relax but it is also entertaining. I l really liked "meeting" the people in each book and I felt like they were people I would like to know. The whole town sounds wonderful and people are always willing to help others out.

There are 13 books in this series, plus a cookbook! I cannot pick a favorite book from the series, they are all good and they all have their own story to tell. It would seem mean to pick one, so I will just say I enjoyed them all immensely and occasionally I reread them, that is how much I like them. I very rarely reread books so that says a lot.

The great thing is, if you decide you like the Cedar Cove Series, Debbie Macomber has several other series that are just as good. I seriously just love her books. I hate having to wait for new ones to be released, but it is always worth the wait.

This series was turned into a television show, but I have to say I prefer the books. I think the show was a good show but it did not follow the books close enough for me. I am sure that I would think higher of the show if I had not read the books but since I did, I know what changes were made and I prefer the original story in the books. But, you should read the books and watch the show so you can see for yourself what you think.

If you have never read the books, here are some links so you can buy them. If you do, let me know what you think of them!

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