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Slow Cooker Pork Tenderloin Tips

I love slow cooker meals. They make my day go so much better, knowing I do not have to cook at the end of the day makes me happy. I have no problem cooking, I just like to do it earlier in the day. Plus, using a slow cooker means that I do not have to stand there and watch the food cook, I just prep the food, put it in and leave it until it is done. So easy and always so delicious.

The first step to making this meal is to chop the vegetables, which I usually do the day before so they are ready to be put in the slow cooker in the morning. I put the onions on the bottom, then layer the carrots next. I season the vegetables with a little black pepper.

Pork tenderloin tips come out of the slow cooker so tender and juicy, there is no toughness and they are never overcooked, which can be a problem when cooking pork. There is a fine line between being done and being overdone.

The next step is to add the meat on top of the carrots. I layer it as evenly as I can. Then I generously season it, I have noticed when I cook things in the slow cooker I need more seasoning than when I cook in the oven. Then I pour the chicken broth on the sides of the slow cooker, I do not want to wash away all the seasonings.

I did not trim the meat at all. There was not a huge amount of fat so I left it. You want some fat on the meat so it turns into juices when you cook. Then the vegetables and meat have a wonderful flavor. If you are cooking a really fatty piece of meat, I would trim so fat off, just be sure to leave enough for juices.

I also like that you can pick any vegetable you like and add it to the slow cooker. Some, like onions and carrots, can be in there with the pork the whole time, others, like cauliflower and broccoli, should be added later so they do not overcook. I like to add my potatoes later also, I do not want them falling apart which is what happens when you cook them for 8 hours.

You can also make this meat into bbq pork by adding bbq sauce or make it into taco meat by adding taco seasoning. I use my homemade seasoning so I can control the heat and ingredients, you can find it here.

This meat is great for leftovers, so you can double the amount you need and have the rest the next night, make it into a different kind of meal, like mentioned above, then people won't get tired of leftovers.

This meal goes great with cheesy bread and Parmesan mushrooms.


Slow Cooker Pork

Tenderloin Tip


  • One package Pork Tenderloin Tips, about 3 pounds

  • 6 carrots, peeled and cut into large pieces

  • 1 onion, chopped into large pieces

  • 6 - 8 potatoes, cleaned

  • 2 TBSP minced garlic

  • 2 tsp black pepper

  • 2 tsp seasoning salt

  • 2 tsp garlic powder

  • 1 cup chicken broth


  1. Place onion in slow cooker, then put minced garlic in, then place carrots on top of the onions

  2. Place the pork tenderloins tips on top of the carrots, season with garlic, pepper and seasoning salt

  3. Cook on low for 4 hours, add potatoes

  4. Cook for four more hours, take everything out, shred meat into large chunks and serve


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