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Camping Adventure!

The last weekend before school started, we finally took our summer camping trip. Normally, we get to go at least 4 or 5 times during the summer, but this summer was busier than others. We planned on staying for 3 nights, but we were stormed out on the final night. We still had a great time, and some great food while we were there!

Thursday afternoon, we left for camp. Wednesday night, we prepped. If you've never heard of making omelettes in a bag, I'm here to give you all of the information you need to know. Get all of your ingredients ready. We used cheese, ham, bacon bits (the real kind, not the fake), onion, tomato, salt and pepper, and, of course, eggs. We bought the cheese already shredded, chopped up the ham, diced the tomato and onion, and whisked the eggs. Using quart sized freezer bags, literally just add in whatever you want. We did whisk our eggs a few at a time for portion control, so that helped. Once you have everything added in, get as much air out of the bag as possible, zip it closed, and write a name on it. We made 2 mornings worth of breakfast for 8 people and it only took us about an hour to an hour and a half. At camp, boil a pot of water and cook about 3-4 bags at a time. Make sure you have tongs handy! Move the bags around every minute or so to keep everything moving around some. Our bags didn't melt so we didn't have a problem there. We cooked ours for about 13 minutes (we were at a high altitude) or until the eggs started to firm up. You can serve on a plate, or eat right out of the bag! It was so incredibly delicious and packed with good protiens to help keep you fueled through your morning!

Dinners were easy for us to figure out. One night would be hotdogs, another night would be tinfoil dinners. I love doing tinfoil dinners. Literally all you do is throw a bunch of stuff in some foil, wrap it up, and keep it in the cooler until you're ready to throw it in the coals of your campfire. This time around, I made chicken and broccoli. Each tinfoil packet got 1 frozen chicken breast, a teaspoon of minced garlic, some sliced onion, seasoning salt, and broccoli. I sprayed it with a quick burst of spray olive oil, then wrapped it up with 2 layers of foil. We ate these on the second night of our trip, and were absolutely delicious! Cooking time will vary, but ours ranged between 20 and 30 minutes. I do reccommend serving these on a plate, as foil tears easily and you don't want to eat it.

The hot dogs were obviously easy enough to make. I guess, really, the only other interesting thing that happened? We had nightly visits from a trio of skunks. They really wanted our food and made that abundantly clear! We did what we could to attempt to keep them out of camp, while reminding ourselves to not corner them. At one point, one of them managed to find their way into a separated part of our friends tent! We had a pretty great laugh about it. We were lucky and didn't get sprayed, and we only smelled them one time! Saturday evening we were hit with some pretty strong winds and some rain. We decided to pack up a night early and head home just in case. While we were packing, the lightning came and was all around us and really close. All in all, it was a really unforgettable trip!

What did you do this summer? Let us know!

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