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Low Carb Gluten Free Bagels

I LOVE fathead pizza dough. It is my favorite, even more than regular pizza dough. I was so sad when I realized that regular pizza dough hurt my stomach, I did not want to stop eating pizza so I had to look for an alternative. I have not been tested but I think I have a gluten intolerance. I have been able to cut gluten out of my diet and I have not had stomach problems since. I can also tell if I accidentally eat something with gluten, my stomach lets me know. While fathead pizza dough satisfied my need for pizza, I sometime want other kinds of "bread". I am usually fine with not having bread but I would like the option if I want it. These low carb, gluten free bagels have proved to be delicious and easy! I have decided since going gluten free that I might as well eat a low carb diet to make life easier for me, so these fit right in!

I figured since I love fathead pizza crust so much these would be worth a try. I was very happy I decided to finally try them, they are very close in texture to a regular bagel, but less doughy, which I love. I love the texture and taste. The best thing besides taste is how easy they are to make. They do not take long to mix together and since there is no yeast, there is no wait time.

Some will have holes, some will not. I like them both ways, for sandwiches I like no hole the best but if I am just eating it plain I like the hole. If you want a hole, the trick is to make a skinnier rope and leave more space when you put it on the baking sheet. It will look like a huge hole but it will get puffy as it bakes so it won't be as doughnuty looking when it is done. If you do not want a hole, or a very small hole, make the rope thicker and the hole smaller when you form it. I used shorter, thicker ropes for mine with no holes. They turned out perfect.

Another thing you have to decide it, do you want toppings or not? I like them both ways, plain is good for making breakfast sandwiches, so is the ones with garlic salt. I like garlic salt and parmesan for eating them plain. The added flavor makes them perfect!

They toast very well, if you want to toast them, but they are also delicious just the way they are, which is saying a lot! I do not like regular bagels cold, they have to be toasted but these are perfect either way. I now have a way to bring sandwiches with me if I need to take a lunch somewhere. That will come in handy next summer, this past summer I was stuck with just meat and cheese roll ups, which I actually like but having this option will be wonderful.

I thought they would be a little flimsy when they come out of the oven, like the pizza dough is, but they are not! They are firm and ready to eat as soon as they come out of the oven. Which was good because I was so curious to see what I thought, I tore a chunk off before I even put them on the baking rack. From the first bite, I knew I had found a winner! I made a couple of tweaks and now they are perfect. They hold up very well to being made into a sandwich, I wasn't sure at first if they would be crumbly or not firm enough, but they do great!

I will continue to play around with flavors so I can find some new favorites, but from what I have found so far, I am in love. They are awesome and I love how fast they are to make. I can make them faster than I can go to the store to buy bagels! There is links below for the seasonings!


Low Carb Gluten

Free Bagels


  • 1 3/4 cups almond flour

  • 1 TBSP baking powder

  • 2 TBSP cream cheese

  • 2 3/4 cups mozzarella cheese, grated

  • 1 egg

  • OPTIONAL - garlic salt, parmesan cheese, seasoning


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line baking pan with silicone sheet

  2. Place mozzarella and cream cheese in microwave safe bowl, microwave for 1 minute, stir, microwave for 1 minute, if not fully melted, stir and microwave again for 30 seconds

  3. Add almond flour, baking powder and egg, mix well

  4. Roll dough so it looks like a bread loaf, it is easier to divide this way

  5. Divide dough into 8 - 10 equal sections for smaller bagels, 6 sections for bigger bagels

  6. Roll each section into a rope, join ends

  7. Place on silicon sheet

  8. Leave plain or top with one or more of the following, garlic salt, parmesan cheese, seasoning or any other cheese/topping you would like

  9. Bake for 13 minutes or until golden brown

  10. Remove from oven and put on baking rack

  11. Enjoy!


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