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Cauliflower Topped Casserole

I love cauliflower. I eat it at least once a day in some form, usually roasted or steamed but I have also made soup and pizza crust out of it. I love the flavor of it and I love how it goes with pretty much any lunch or dinner. It is also a great snack. Most vegetables do not fill me up or keep me full for very long but cauliflower does. It is so versatile, I buy big bags of it at Costco or stock up on heads of it when it is on sale because I know I will use it all. It is also one of the only vegetables EVERYONE in my family eats. If you are the primary cook in your house, you probably know exactly what I am talking about. It is hard to find foods that make everyone happy, so when you do, you eat them ALL THE TIME. And, I am totally okay with eating cauliflower all the time.

This recipe started very similar to my hamburger pie, which is topped with potatoes. I love that dish but I decided I would try something a little different and top it with roasted cauliflower. I really did not see how it would not be delicious, I love the casserole and I love cauliflower so what could go wrong??? I am happy to report, nothing went wrong! It was delicious and a little easier to make since I just partially roasted the cauliflower instead of making mashed potatoes. I am always up for easier ways to do things. I was very impressed with the taste. I made sure to not cook the cauliflower too long, I did not want it to be mushy, I wanted some texture to it still.

This recipe could be made a little more low carb if you substitute the corn for a different vegetable or just omit it. I have made this casserole with frozen cauliflower and broccoli instead of green beans and corn and it was delicious so that is an idea also.

This casserole holds up very well to being made ahead of time and cooked later. I like to cook dinner earlier in the day, when possible so this is a perfect meal for my family. It also makes great leftovers so make extra!


Cauliflower Topped Casserole


  • 16 ounces fresh cauliflower

  • 1 lb lean ground beef

  • 2 TBSP tomato paste

  • 1 cup corn

  • 1 cup green beans

  • 1/2 TBSP garlic powder

  • 1 tsp black pepper

  • 2 tsp seasoning salt

  • 1 TBSP olive oil

  • 1 tsp garlic salt

  • Optional - grated cheese, I used cheddar and mozzarella


  1. Put cauliflower on a baking pan, put olive oil and garlic salt on cauliflower, place in oven preheated to 400 degrees, cook for about 10 minutes, turning once. Cauliflower will not be completely cooked, it will cook further in the oven

  2. Put hamburger in a pan over medium heat. Stir occasionally until hamburger is brown and no pink is visible, about 8 minutes. Take grease out of pan, add tomato paste, corn, green beans, black pepper, and seasoning salt

  3. Place hamburger mixture in a casserole dish then top with the cauliflower then with the cheese, bake in preheated oven at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes or until cheese is melted and the casserole is bubbly. Let sit for at least 10 minutes when you remove it from the oven.


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