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Memory Man Series Review

I decided to try some new authors this summer, I picked this author solely because of the amount of holds his books had at the library. I started with one book and quickly moved onto many of his series of books. David Baldacci is a great write and his characters come alive in his books.

The Fix is the third book in this installment, the first book is Memory Man and the second is The Last Mile. The first book is a little hard to get into, at least for me. Amos Decker had some horrible personal tragedies occur and the first part of the book explains that, which is incredibly sad. The book starts to pick up and focus on more than just his personal life part way through. I understand why they have to explain his personal life, it explains why he is the way he is, so the first part of the book is necessary, just know that it gets better and is less focused on the bad things that have happened to Amos. Amos is not the most likeable guy, he is not able to forget things because of a sports injury and he also sees things, like death, in color. He has a different personality which makes it hard for others to work with him, but he definitely gets more likeable through out the books. He still has his odd behaviors, like walking out on people when they are in the middle of a conversation, but he also has a ton of good traits. His best trait is his ability to solve cases. He puts all his efforts into cases that he faces and tries his hardest to solve them, even when he is taken off them. He does not always follow the rules, which usually ends up in his favor.

The books start with Amos down on his luck, he could not deal with the misfortunes he was dealt in life so he lost his job and his house. He is brought in to help with a case and his life starts to improve from there.

I would recommend reading these books in order, you could read just the 2nd or 3rd but you will be missing the full details on his sports injury and family tragedy. The details are extremely sad to read but they set the story up and give you a good idea of who Amos Decker is and why he is that way. His character has gone through a lot. He is also given a second chance at a career and friendships, if he can handle either or both.

All three books are lengthy, but they are interesting and make you want to keep reading. They keep having new developments and the action never stops. I had a very hard time putting them down, I always wanted to get to the next part, which would lead to the next part, its a vicious cycle! But very enjoyable. I went on to read other books written by David Baldacci because I was so impressed with these. Enjoy!

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