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Low Carb Bagel Pizzas

Low carb does not mean you have to give up everything you used to love to eat. It would seem you cannot have pizza since the dough is so high in carbs, but luckily, that is not true! I have been making a low carb, gluten free pizza crust for a while, and I LOVE it, but sometimes I want something different. These bagel pizzas are a little thicker since they have baking powder in them. Plus, they can be made days ahead of time so they are quicker to make pizza out of since they are already made. I can just add my toppings and bake!

I have been making a double batch of the bagels when I make them, I love them! Plus, they are good for any meal. And they freeze well, if you have any leftovers that is. I like to have a couple in the freezer at all times, just in case. The bagels themselves are easy to make, I was surprised how easy it was once I did it. You can make them as big or as small as you would like, but I have found that when making a single recipe I like to make 8 - 10 bagels out of it. I like to have a slightly smaller bagel when using almond flour, it is really filling. And if you are making pizzas out of them you will be adding toppings so they will be even more filling.

I like to use a variety of toppings, which is another reason why these bagel pizzas work out so well, you can make each one different! I love to experiment with leftovers and see what kind of pizzas I like. One of my favorites so far is grilled chicken, pineapple, mushroom and onion. It's so good! And its as easy as just putting the toppings on the pizza and baking. I love it! They make good leftovers so make extra!

I have tried many almond flours and have not found any real differences, so use whatever you have, the same goes with the cream cheese. I have bought cheaper ones to see if there is any difference but so far I have found no difference. Cheese on the other hand, I am picking about and only use certain brands. Especially the mozzarella, you need one that melts nicely!


Low Carb

Bagel Pizzas


  • 4 low carb bagels, (makes 8 pizzas) recipe here

  • 2 cups mozzarella cheese, grated

  • 1 cup cheddar cheese, grated

  • Pizza toppings, examples - pepperoni, salami, sausage, olives, onion, pineapple, ham, mushrooms, green peppers

  • 1/2 cup pizza sauce, optional


  1. Cut bagels in half, line pan with foil

  2. Place bagels on foil, top, if desired, with pizza sauce then pizza toppings and cheese

  3. Cook at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes, or until cheese is melted


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