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Secrets of the Tulip Sisters Review

Secrets of the Tulip Sisters is written by Susan Mallery, so of course I HAD to read it. She is one of my favorite authors! She writes some of the best books! I love reading light-hearted books about families, especially when they are based in Washington State, my home state!

Kelly Murphy is a tulip farmer, she learned it from a young age since that is what her dad is. She works on the family farm and still lives with her father, even though she is in her late 20's. It is what works for her and she is comfortable with it. That is, until her sister, Olivia makes a surprise trip home. Kelly and Olivia used to be close but their parent's divorce and the events afterwards pulled them apart from each other. Will they take this chance to get to know each other again or will this just end everything for good? Both sisters have secrets from each other, secrets that could rip them apart for good. Or maybe help them bond and heal?

This is a great book and Susan Mallery does a great job of describing the sister's relationships, not only with each other but also with each of their parents. They both also have outside relationships that will be explored. You also get to know Olivia really well, she acts very sure of herself and in control but you find that that is a front and she is no different than anyone else.

The sisters have lived apart for so long, they do not need each other, or do they?

Link for book and other Susan Mallery books

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