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Got a Yarn Wish?

If you are a yarn crafter and have an Instagram, then you've probably heard of the hashtag Get Your Yarn Wish Granted. I just recently found out about it. The hashtag lets you put your wishes out there, whether for yarn, patterns, or notions (basically everything knitting related), and people find your post using the hashtag, and send you yarn, or buy the patterns for you, or send you things like project bags or stitch markers. Some requests are even as simple as adding that fellow knitter or crocheter on Ravelry!

Of course, I was highly intrigued by this. I obviously haven't used it before, so I took a screenshot of the picture associated with almost all of the posts, and put my request out there. Simply, I've never really had the opportunity to use anything but acrylic yarn, so I just wanted something nice to make a nice pair of socks with. Within minutes I had someone offering me some yarn, which she ended up shopping for and it's being made to order (sweet baby angel). I go away from Instagram to do a couple of chores around the house really quickly, then came back and had 3 more offers!

Obviously, I asked them about the etiquette surrounding accepting yarn from more than one person. They told me the more the merrier and I've already received one tracking number in my DM today! The amount of giving within this community of crafters (and just people in general) absolutely blew me away.

But it's not a one way street. You need to make sure you're putting out that good karma by fulfilling the yarn wishes of others! While money is a little bit tight for us right now, I was able to purchase a pattern for someone, and it was a pattern for a gorgeous cardigan that I can't wait to see her make! Once payday rolls around for us this week, I plan on buying more. It's a nice way to pay it forward if you are receiving items from this amazing gift circle. You can even play Santa and just go around buying things for others without asking for anything in return! Personally, I wouldn't have taken part in this if I didn't have a way to give something to someone else. It just wouldn't feel right to me. Which is one reason I'm glad patterns are what a lot of people seem to list in their own posts.

So I say check it out! See what it's all about and then let us know what you think!!

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