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Peppermint Bark

Just because the holidays are over, doesn’t mean you still can’t enjoy peppermint bark at home! It’s really easy to make, super delicious, and no one will have the right to judge you when you can make it soooo good.


1 Package Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips (I’ve found using milk chocolate makes this too sweet for me, but if you don’t mind, then totally go for it!!) 1 Package White Chocolate Chips 2 Teaspoons Peppermint Extract Peppermint Candies (either candy canes or the round things)

Start off by crushing your peppermint candies. You will need enough to mix a little in with the white chocolate, and spread some on top. I have tried a few different methods for this. The food processer made the candies turn to too fine of a dust, and using a frying pan ended up bending the handle. So I placed the candies into a ziplock bag, wrapped a towel around it, and went to town with a hammer. Totally effective, and awesome for getting out agressions. You want there to be some pretty okay sized chunks, something that will be easy to manage from bite to bite.

Line a baking sheet with wax paper and keep that handy. Melt the semi-sweet chocolate (in a microwave safe bowl) in the microwave in 30 second increments, taking care to stir really well inbetween. Once the chocolate is all melted, quickly add in 1 teaspoon of the peppermint extract and spread onto the wax paper. Place into the freezer. If you don’t move quickly enough after the extract is added, the chocolate will seize up and be ruined. Trust me, I did it. Like a chocolate fool. A FOOL.

In a clean bowl, start melting the white chocolate, also in 30 second increments, and also stirring really well in between. Crushing up the candies should have created a peppermint dust, separate that from the larger pieces. Once that’s all melted, add in the dust, and remaining peppermint extract. Pour quickly onto the top of the semi-sweet chocolate. Sprinkle the larger chunks of the peppermint candy on top and press in lightly. Place in the freezer to set

I am by no means a chocolate expert (except for shoving my face with it), so any time I make this, it does need to be refrigerated. This has never really bothered me, so I haven’t tried fixing it yet. But if you have any suggestions let me know!! I love hearing from all of you!

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