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Review for Danielle Steel's Fairytale

I have loved every Danielle Steel book that I have read. I have bought or borrowed all of her new ones and also went back and found all the old ones that I could find. She has a lot of books! She is a great writer, I love the way she tells her stories. This book was no exception, she did a great job, I could not wait for the ending. I had my own ending in my head and hoped it would happen, I won't give any spoilers but it did not disappoint.

Fairytale is about a girl, Camille, that lives with her parents in Napa Valley on a vineyard. Her parents have a successful wine company that they both work at and train her to do various jobs. Everything is going great, until tragedy hits and they lose her mom. They continue to work at the vineyard after her mother's death and everything seems fine, or as good as it can be with her mother being gone, until her father meets a new woman. Camille instantly dislikes the new woman and is very suspicious of her. Her suspicions become reality when her father is suddenly killed in an airplane accident and she is left to deal with her evil stepmother and her step brothers. The will her dad left behind left her to deal with her step family for sometime and makes Camille question her safety around them. The only good thing that came of the marriage is her getting her stepmothers mother as her grandma. She moves into a building on the property and becomes Camille's friend, and ultimately, family. She also finds a man from her childhood that becomes her prince. He finds out the horrible situation she is in and decides to help.

Fairytale is an actual fairytale like story that will leave you wanting to know what happens next. It is hard to put down! I loved how Camille became such good friends with her new grandma, they become very close and it gives Camille someone to talk to and spend time with so she can get away from her step mother and step brothers.

I definitely recommend this book and all of Danielle Steel's other books. Even if the topic seems like something I might not enjoy, I start reading it anyways and I have found I love all her books. I will provide a link to some of my favorites below.

This one has not been released yet but you can pre-order it, it sounds really good!

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